This blog post has been authored by Kim Ward, Life By Design Solutions
I am Kim Ward, a life coach and a certified NLP coach sharing with you four reasons why you would want to consider investing in a coach.
Reason number 1, you know there are many times in your life where you’re so close to the situation, you don’t see your own potential. Having a coach and a mentor will be able to shine the light on your potential helping you see and open up that realm of possibility to start creating the things that you have always dreamt of, that you have aspired to, and maybe never thought it would be a possibility for yourself.
Reason number 2, is because sometimes you start to lose steam, you start to lose momentum. Having a cheerleader can really, really help you. Sometimes you don’t get the support you need at home, from your immediate family, from your co-workers, so having that supporter, that cheerleader to help you kind of regain that momentum, rebuild that self-esteem, help you celebrate the small wins, because those small wins start to rebuild your self esteem and those turn into much, much bigger wins. So having a cheerleader having a supporter on your side is highly underrated. It’s just you need somebody to help you pull yourself through it when you’re not strong enough to do that for yourself.
You know, having a coach isn’t always about reaching goals, right? Sometimes a coach is needed to be the person that is brave enough and willing to ask you questions that you’re not brave enough to ask yourself, or maybe that no one else around you wants to be the person to ask because sometimes you have to see what’s right in front of you, in order to get past it. As an insight and distinction coach, one of my biggest biggest strengths, is helping you tap into what you already know. Sometimes you just need to lock arms with someone and feel like you’ve been given permission to get after the truth.
My last and final tip for this is just having a coach, having a mentor means having somebody that will help you strategize, help you create a game plan, and help you gain clarity on what really needs to happen in order for you to start to walk into those desired results – A.K.A your goals. Slowly but surely, you can absolutely design your life the way you want it. And that’s why I call my coaching program life by design coaching.
I would love to work with you, not everybody is a fit for one another, so what I’ve done is I’ve opened up a 30 minute session on my calendar for you and I to chat and see if we are a right fit for one another. If nothing else, you’ll be able to get out of a call, strategies and golden nuggets that maybe you hadn’t heard before the call. Schedule your complimentary 30 minute discovery call and let’s create something powerful together. Let me know if you’ve been able to take away anything that you didn’t realize about having a coach having a mentor.
Live in abundance according to how you design it, – Kim.
Kim Ward is a certified Master life & business coach helping women kick ass & find their fire so they no longer feel defeated & can make decisions that move them closer to their goals instead of sleepwalking through their day.