This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys

The Akashic Records have been such a blessing to my life and my business, and I wish similar alignment for you. Here’s just some of the magic I’ve experienced as a result of being aligned to the Records:

Immense personal growth and cultivation of wisdom from the privilege of working with so many amazing souls

An abundance of downloads for divine offerings that my ego mind never would have considered! These divine offerings have always been my most popular and most profitable because I was being guided by higher energies

Clarity of pricing, magical marketing, sacred systems, aligned partnerships, angelic team members, and so much more just by tapping into my Records

Clearing of any nigglies that prevented me from getting out of my own way and being in allowance of a divine partnership with the universe

Divine guidance of exact timing of launches, writing copy for specific programs, where to focus my energy for greater impact and results

Here’s why the Akashic Records are the only conscious biz tool you’ll ever need:

1. They Powerfully align to your soul’s purpose and activate your divine gifts and talents beyond what you ever could have hoped for or imagined

Energy that was once spent ‘searching’ for your purpose or stressing over “what’s next?” can now be reinvested into ‘Being’ your purpose. It allows you to align all aspects of your biz to be the perfectly divine container for you to express your purpose to the world while constantly checking in to make sure all choices and relationships are aligned to your purpose.

2. The Records expand your divine biz vision beyond what your human brain could have fathomed for it (since your biz has its own consciousness)

Just as it is important for you to be clear on the evolution of your purpose so that you can best invest your energy and focus, it is equally important to be clear on where you are headed so that you do not misdirect your precious energy on activities and goals that are not completely aligned to your purpose. You may already have a vision, but if you’ve upgraded how your purpose will be expressed through you, you will naturally need to upgrade your vision to be an aligned reflection of that.

3. They amplify your energy field to be fully magnetic so you can attract all that is ideal for you

Imagine being able to raise your vibration to match what you wish to attract in, but also receive divine guidance about how to manifest *anything* quickly. Not only can you release opportunities that you considered to be aligned (only to find out that they weren’t), you can shift your energy to reflect what you do wish to attract, and then receive guidance from your Records on how to create that.

4. Working in your Akashic Records can instantly shift your relationship with the energy of money and sacred commerce

Imagine attracting all that is ideal but not being able to receive it because your unhealed money stories block you from experiencing prosperity on all levels?

I have developed highly specialized tools and energy alignments from the Akashic Records that fully support you in healing your relationship with money, and as an added bonus, you instantly shift your ‘relationship’ energy in all areas of your life and your business.

5. You can download your divine offerings (and much more) in your Records

Imagine having the power (and confidence) to tune into your Akashic Records for all things business related, along with how to price and package them, write copy for them, and market them ALL in a way that is aligned to the next version of your soul’s purpose so that you can serve even more people, and create greater impact with ease and abundance!

6. The Records teach you how to serve as a spiritual ninja

If you’ve been guided to create a biz and you’ve been guided to work in the Records, it means you’ve been called to serve in a bigger way and reach way more people. The Records can show you how to step into your spiritual leadership with joy, confidence, and integrity. It makes running a purpose-based biz so much easier.

7. Aligned Thought + Aligned Action = Aligned Results by working in the Akashic Records

Whether it be busy work behind the computer, focusing on low dividend activities, creating distraction, hiding, or any or misaligned action, the Records quickly help you identify what’s really going on and clear it, so that you can remain aligned to where your energy and focus is best spent. Instead of the typical entrepreneurial worry, fear, anxiety, procrastination, analysis paralysis, and perfection paralysis, you’ll be confidently creating and implementing like a Spiritual Ninja

Jennifer Longmore is the leading expert in Akashic record training + #1 training school in the world & has run several successful spiritual businesses over the years, so she knows a few things about biz sustainability (that transcends the never-ending trends).
Her sweet spots are client attraction/retention, sacred sales, the energy of money, manifesting, & connecting in with the consciousness of your business to consistently make THE most aligned decisions for your biz!