This blog post has been authored by, Linda Terjesen, LTLTE – Learn to Love to Exercise
When I was 50 years old I started getting hot flashes and nite sweats. I had trouble sleeping, and I’d never had trouble sleeping before. The hot flashes would come and go and were annoying. With disrupted sleep, I was tired the next day, so I needed to sleep in and I had to skip my workouts. Skipping my workouts left me very frustrated.
However, menopause doesn’t have to be horrific and mine really isn’t. It was mostly annoying the first year. Overall my experience with menopause has been mostly good. About a year into menopause I discovered Black Cohosh and that has helped me a lot with reduced hot flashes and nite sweats. I take 2 of the recommended 3 daily, as I’m smaller. I take one herb with lunch and one with dinner. I like that Black Cohosh is natural and vegan too.
Many ladies struggle with menopause, but I feel there’s too much negativity around menopause. The hot flashes and nite sweats don’t have to be horrible. You don’t have to gain weight or suffer from low energy. There are natural parts of the menopause experience that we need to accept, but constantly complaining doesn’t help. However, that’s what most women do. They complain. There are tons of Facebook groups for menopause and women complain all day long. It’s super negative. What can help first and foremost is a shift in mindset!
I turned 53 years old on November 11, 2020 and I’m in the best shape of my life, have tons of energy, my hair is thicker than ever, my skin is nice, and I’m in full menopause. If I can feel amazing so can you!
I’ve included my featured article about menopause in Women’s Day magazine from September 1, 2020 and more details about what has helped me.
Enjoy the read and let me know if you have any questions I can answer.
Linda Terjesen is an International sought-after Certified Nutritionist, Health & Fitness Expert, dedicated to helping middle aged women worldwide build consistency, lose belly fat and boost metabolism to feel and look confident for life with a sustainable, real food approach.
After Linda lost her only brother at age 45 to a sudden heart attack, Linda made a decision to follow her passion for health and fitness and to help others live their healthiest life. As a relatable Coach who truly cares about her Clients and their success, Linda has served over 100 Clients worldwide providing a wealth of accountability, support, and education.