This blog post has been authored by Luba Evans, Luba Evans Coaching

Often women think that a man is just a type of woman who wears pants, unfortunately, this is not true.

A man’s brain is wired differently, and it is that polarity that makes the relationship exciting.

Here is a short free video that I put together for you that explains how to use The Law Of Devotion to understand, attract and inspire a high quality man to be yours.

It is important to understand that men often feel, deep inside, they are on a hero’s journey, no matter how “bad boy” they are. Men still want to be the greatest they can be, and they are vulnerable because of those feelings.

Often, men are not in touch with their intuition or emotions like women, and it takes them a while to understand what they feel.

Men are generally less flexible and fluid then women, and it also takes them a while to accept a change, but once they do, they usually stick to their choices.

Here are 15 things that are a must-know for every woman, and if you do not have time to read, here is a short video that I put together for you:

Men like clear, specific, instructions. Instead of saying “You do not love me”, say “I would feel really loved if you brought flowers on our anniversary.”

Men like to be appreciated for the qualities they are not sure about in themselves. Say “I love the toy that you got for your nephew, how lucky he is to have you as an uncle! You are so thoughtful and generous!”

Men love with their eyes, Women love with their ears” – an old Russian proverb. While women want to be told how beautiful they are, men want to see how beautiful you are – it is better to be late, but to be dressed for a celebration!

Men fall in love when they miss you. Give them space. Give them time. Give them a chance to feel it in your absence.

Men need to be left alone when they feel disempowered, asking them a thousand questions does NOT improve the situation or relationship.

Men appreciate what they have earned – make them climb the mountain to get you every time, do not let them take you for granted.

Men get frustrated by indirect accusation and passive aggressiveness. They are not mind readers. If you feel unhappy about something, express yourself honestly, strictly, but gently.

Men will test your boundaries. You are the captain of your ship – make sure that you are always doing what is pleasant and acceptable for you. Do not fall for anybody’s manipulation.

Men determine wife material by looking at how you are with children, how you treat him when he is not at his best and how comfortable it is with you when they just want to relax.

When a man says “I am not ready” he really means it but if you know the Law Of Devotion you can turn this around.

A man’s heart is usually very vulnerable, often more vulnerable than a woman, and it takes a longer time for a man to recover from relationships and adjust to change. That is why men protect their heart more.

Men concentrate on one thing at a time. When we are trying to ask them several questions without a pause, or give them instructions to do several things at once it drives them crazy.

Men often like curvy women, who are not super slim, but sometimes they are afraid to admit that.

A man is not born knowing it all – he is on a life journey just like you, learning, trying to be his best, wanting to be happy and not wanting to be unhappy.

Men love it when their sense of adventure and a sense of bonding is triggered at the same time, provide that experience, as Law Of Devotion teaches us and they will follow you everywhere.


I am a dating coach who helps multimillionaire CEOs, models and actresses, and other successful women from almost every field, to find and keep true love using the Law Of Devotion.

The Law Of Devotion course shows a woman how to inspire devotion and commitment from a man by actually making LESS effort, using the precise art and science of Law Of Devotion, taking the guesswork out of dating and relationship processes.

I know that I and a team of four professionals worked for over 2 years to create this exceptional course, conducting hundreds of interviews with women and men to fully understand what makes men tick, and what makes women happy. It really shows.

This beautiful video that we put together for you will leave you feeling filled with hope, inspiration, and joyful anticipation of the best period of your life.

Luba’s Work

Luba is a coach to coaches. She runs regular trainings in New York, as well as intensives and residential retreats at her retreat center Galiana.

She also teaches in Europe, India and South America serving a global community of students.

Luba taught more than 250 different workshops and retreats.

Luba has created multiple on-line self study courses, and conducts weekly on-line trainings helping thousands of people manifest the life that they want.

In Luba’s own words…

“…I am here to to help restore the ability to feel and love, maximize our potential as humans, rejuvenate, heal, shift to a whole new dimension of possibilities. Life is sacred. Every moment of it is priceless.” ~ Luba