Vizions Consulting, LLC is where we provide coaching, mentoring and training for small business owners and (for what I like to call – entrepreneurs in training). They are individuals who have not quite started a business yet or could actually be in a position running someone else’s business, in which we call that Corporate America. This year we will focus on our theme to DEFINE.DESIGN & DRAFT™ strategies to build or grow your business. It’s all about Defining your true purpose and identifying your gift. Who are you here to serve with your talents? Who’s considered as your target client?

At Vizions Consulting, LLC we help you DEFINE your message so that you are able to DESIGN the path you so choose travel. We all have a story, experience or product to share, but it may take some time to figure out how you’re going to get your message across. Once you’ve identify what your story consists of then we help you focus on DRAFTing the roadmap to success.


DeKesha Williams



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