I help women entrepreneurs attract more clients, and profitably grow & scale their business online, by serving one-to-many instead of one-to-one. If you want to create change, grow and scale your business online, and make a bigger impact by helping more people… leveraging online challenges is the quickest, easiest, and most authentic way to achieve this.

CHALLENGES are the engine that…
~ Propels you to #1 in your category.
~ Lets your prospects get a taste of your service for free.
~ Turns prospects into buying customers without selling.
~ Scales your business faster than any other marketing strategy.

The challenge model is a framework that enables you to amplify your message and your movement by creating a platform to effectively serve one to many instead of one to one.

I’m Dianne DeLongchamps and I stepped into entrepreneurship 20 years ago, and never looked back. I’ve been mentoring and coaching for twelve years, and my mission is to help more women have a greater impact on their family, their community, and other people’s lives through owning a business they love that serves them well with a purpose driven payday!

Having been blessed to learn from the best in the challenge industry, I founded the ChangeMaker Challenge for women coaches who want to transform their business and their life, by serving one to many instead of one to one and increasing their positive impact on this world.

Challenges are the simplest and fastest way RIGHT NOW to start, grow, or scale any business, anywhere by profitably being able to convert complete strangers into enthusiastic paying customers in 5 days or less.

Want to learn more about how challenges can work for you?

Email me, or visit diannedelongchamps.com



Dianne DeLongchamps


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