This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Zak Lioutas, Be Bold, Fierce, Unstoppable.

It’s energy, just as your thoughts are.

Whatever your money thoughts are, your actions are, and outcomes become.

Regardless if you’re working for someone, run your own business, or are an entrepreneur, if you find yourself stuck at a certain financial status.

You may be holding onto your parents beliefs, old wounds, buried memories, stagnant energies or old remembrance that your conscious mind isn’t aware of.

The mistake many make, when they get on the money plateau or getting out of financial difficulty, is that they look at what actions they are taking first, rather than accessing what’s happening within their spirit.

When you look within yourself first, you get to assess what may be holding you back from upgrading your finances on an energetic level.

If you are holding onto thoughts of limitation, and frustration, your money block may be just taking a couple days off to readjust your energy and surrender the old and baptize new thoughts and beliefs.

If you find yourself in a place of lack, you may have a sexual block and need to recognize how worthy you are of having all that you desire in your life and your finances.

Financial orgasms are sexual orgasms.

Orgasms are a time of pleasure, enjoyment, surrender, and release.
Giving yourself time for pleasure and release allows you to let go of some old blocks and energy that you may be holding onto in your body on an unconscious level.

If you want to ask your boss for a raise but find yourself resisting in fear of rejection, you need to recognize your self-worth in walking into your boss’s office with confidence and ask for what you want.

If you find yourself frustrated and unsupported, in what you are doing presently or what you want to create, you may need to take a deeper look within your relationships that are holding you back from going for what you want and making more money in your life.

Once you identify your inner financial barriers, through your thoughts, and energy blocks that are sitting in the core of your essence and deeper fears.

Wisdom from higher realms guide you, by showing you subtle shifts to make that will bring you greater benefits in the long run.

You may have to change a title on your online course, rather than the whole course, that is more eye-catching to your target audience that can upgrade your finances instantly.

You may have to rehearse what you will say to your boss and build more confidence within yourself and come into alignment with your money.

If you need to fill your store with more clients you may have to run a challenge for your present clients or have a referral giveaway before you mark down any items.

Money is energy.
You are energy.
Everything is energy.

Align with your Higher Consciousness and Become a Money Magnet in achieving all that you want in your life as you heal many other parts around you.

Happy Money Activation

Zak Lioutas is the Founder of Be Bold, Fierce, Unstoppable.
She’s a Spiritual Teacher, Mentor, Healer, Galactic Elder, Master Key Holder and 12 Strain Activator.

She has helped women overcome multiple difficulties in their life from finances to divorce, leaving their corporate job to starting their own business or entrepreneurship. Healing old childhood wounds and stepping into her more improved adult self, in a Bold, Fierce, Unstoppable way.

Interested in achieving spiritual liberation and internal freedom while creating a life that brings you the greatest pleasure.
Have a chat with Zak below