Don’t insult me with that Supermom Title.

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Eleanor Duelley, Nourishing Nutrition

Shout out to all your moms out there that are busting your butt to pull this week/end together.  I see you out there with your store bought or homemade costumes, store bought or home made Halloween Treats and working to make it all fit into a lunch box or under a rain coat before the bus comes. Take a few minutes today and try to give yourself a peaceful break from it all. 

These moments used to really muck up my energy as I was feeling like a frantic fool running from place to appointment to walmart and back again. It is so easy to get caught up in the “supermom” energy sometimes without realizing that your energy needs to be refilled in order to do it again and again.

I think the term supermom actually does a tad bi…

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Unleash Your Creative Genius And Craft Your Irresistible Offer

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sofia Adamova, Sofia Adamova

You are responsible for your inspiration. You take charge of your state.

You don’t wait to feel creative.

When you prioritize your wellness, health, you radiate and keep your energetic state high.

 By doing the right movements

Eating high vibrational food

Being present

Focusing on the right things

You can decide to feel a certain way and that feeling will help you channel your wisdom that get people stop scrolling and reach out to you.

You get to decide.

Because you are powerful, fascinating, magnificent once you’re connected to the Source- your True Self.

How do you connect to the Source, to your True Self?

The fastest route is through your BODY- the most magical tool you possess, available to you anytime and anyw…

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How Does Fear Affect the Immune System

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Melanie Eager, Eager For Life

Are you worried about what is going on in the world currently?

Perhaps during ‘normal’ times you feel worried about a job interview, speaking in public or the upcoming dental visit?

Take a deep breath and calm down. Fear and stress, in general, can affect your immune system. Over time, these feelings can wreak havoc on your health, leading to anxiety, depression, low energy, and diminished immune response. I know, I’ve been there with all of these.

Fear, anxiety, and panic attacks are strongly connected. These issues trigger the fight or flight response, causing both physiological and psychological symptoms. The stress response is a survival mechanism, but it can take a toll on your body in the long run.

Note that fear is often triggered by a perceived threat. The trigger may or may not be real. If, for…

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Obsessed With Your Success!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Spring Zheng, Abundance Thought Leadership Coach

Dear Entrepreneur Friends,

In this new week are you ready for new inspiration, momentum, and accomplishments?!

On Monday at 2PM ET we just had our Momentum Monday new episode inside of our Facebook Group Abundant Entrepreneurs!

Momentum Monday #49: Obsessed With Your Success!* Why should you become Obsessed?:)* What difference could Obsession make in your life and business?* How to become Obsessed and create the most powerful results?

Have you missed the Live event at Monday 2PM ET? Please mark on your calendar now so that you will not miss the weekly live event any more. Let’s help you catch up today!

=>>>Watch the replay on our YouTube Channel now!

What’s your learning and inspirations from this video? Welcome to comment and s…

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Reignite the Spark in a Relationship

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Mulikah, Life Mastery Resources

#1 Keep an Eye Out for the Spark in Your RelationshipA little awareness can go a long way. Before you can solve a problem, you must first recognize that it exists. When we are disconnected and dissatisfied in our relationships, it can be difficult to recognize that something needs to change.

Here are two indicators that it's time to learn how to reignite the spark in a relationship:

"How am I?"you might ask. Alternatively, "How is my relationship?"If the answer is "fine" or "good," that's fine; but why isn't your answer "great" or "amazing?" Is it possible to improve something?Wouldn't you prefer to be "better" than "fine"?Develop a growth mindset. Remind yourself on a daily basis that there is always room for improvement.If you believe you know everything there is to know about being a great partner and having a great l…

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Married but Lonely?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Aerica Sanders, Aerica Sanders Coaching

This week I posted this quote on Instagram. I don’t know if there is a sadder feeling than being in a relationship with someone and still feeling utterly alone.

– Silvy Khoucasian

This was my life I was married but felt alone. I didn’t really confide in anyone. I just spent my days wishing something would rescue me from my current life.  I didn’t want to be bothered by anyone. I was in a constant state of irritation. I would lash out at anyone in my path. I would get mad at the kids for being kids. Then I would feel guilty because it wasn’t their fault that I was alone and unhappy.I was on an emotional roller coaster most days were bad but there were some days that were worse. Days when I didn’t want to get out of bed.&n…

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Grow your Sales with these 5 Easy Tips for Female Entrepreneurs

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tineke Rensen, Powerful Business Academy

Is growing your sales the most challenging and complicated element of your business? I hear you. It’s a broad and complex area, with so many moving parts. What strategy should you use? Which phase should you focus on? Where do you even start? Add to these the many coaches out there who promise you that you can increase your sales quickly if you buy their programs and copy their method. With so much information and misinformation, how do you know which ones will work for you?

As a business coach for women myself, with over 30 years of business experience, I will tell you this: it’s not easy, and you can’t do it quickly. There’s no magic formula, no instant fix. It’s different for every business, and what works for others may not work for you. And you won’t grow your sales by sales inc…

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What Can the Akashic Records Teach Me?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys

Reading the Akashic Records for your soul is a transformative way to grow and expand your spiritual connection. You’ll gain deep insights into who you are, where you belong, and how you can get there.

Whether you’re receiving an Akashic Records reading from someone else or giving one to yourself, much can be learned from accessing the Akashic library for new insights.

In today’s post, we’re going to discuss what the Akashic Records can teach you.

What Are the Akashic Records?The Akashic Records can be considered a cosmic database that exists beyond the physical plane. It contains your experiences, thoughts, interactions, and intentions in the etheric realm. The general idea states that during an Akashic Record reading, the practitioner will be able to access deep insights and even peer into possible futures. Read more

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How to Quit Your Job with Confidence

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Anggi Pradhini, Anggi Pradhini

Hey there! My name is Anggi.

If you feel stuck in your job, I made this blog special for you. I hope it helps.

I still remember the pain I feel in my guts and how I gasp to gather myself together to continue my work hour that day.

Even after I decide to quit I still hang on to that job for the next 300 days.

Why am I taking so long to quit? Well, because this girl has bills to pay.

And once upon a time in my university life, I lived on $1/day and I promised my younger self that it would not happen again to me.

That’s why I make a plan – detailed plan before I quit.

In 3 simple bullet points, these are the steps I took before I give my resignation paper:

1. Decide What I Want for My Life

This is the number one and most important of all.

I al…

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Let’s Pause & Talk Menopause

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Angela Gala Gonzalez, MD, MS, PhD, MTCM, Dr. Gala Health Coaching LLC

Hi ladies! I bet you’re thinking, “why is this woman writing a post about menopause?” Well, it’s because I’m not just any woman. I am your sister in the journey of life, and we should pause and talk now and then.

This article will share some tips that helped me naturally out beat some of the most annoying perimenopause symptoms.

What is Menopause?

Maybe I need to be more clearer in the title of this post. Menopause is when women stop menstruating, which can happen in their 40s and 50s (or earlier). It’s not just about getting older; it has its own symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction. It’s also not something we should talk about with our friends but instead get educated on so you understand what to expect from menopause before it happens…

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