This article has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Amber Behn, Amber Behn Coaching
These are some of the BIGGEST lies I've heard about losing weight...
"You have to cut out carbs if you want to lose weight""I can't lose weight, it's genetic""Once I've lost 20lbs, then I'll feel good about myself"
Do any of these sound familiar?
Your weight loss journey hasn't failed in the past because you didn't restrict yourself enough.
And it's not because you lack willpower, self-control or motivation.
Long term and sustainable weight loss happens when you prioritize feeling good about your journey, NOT when you make your journey so intense and ridged that the slightest change in routine has you "falling off the wagon."
As women, we typically gain weight when we are stressed, overwhelmed or unhappy.
We gain weight when we feel unworthy, undervalued and undesirable.
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