You Should Have A Book For Your Business

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Birdie Chesson, Miss Birdie's Books, Inc.

In my 20 years of writing books and teaching others how to write books, I've seen so many entrepreneurs that struggle to find ways to establish themselves when all they have to do is write a book.

Not knowing how to do something is what frightens people against action but I can tell you in 3 simple steps how to write a book for your business. Follow my easy steps and your book can be done by the end of the week.

1. Figure out WHO is your client. (It's not everyone) Think about it. There's a supermarket, a boutique and a kids store on the same street. No one goes from store to store unless they have time to kill. But if you own the kids store, you know that your customer is not in your store to buy oranges and milk. No. Your customers know why they're there and what they want. So what are you an authority on? Th…

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How To Stand Out From 450,000 Other Women

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kerry George, CIBN Connect

How To Stand Out From 450,000 Other Women...Do You!!

Nobody does you, like you do you. You are unique. You are a special snowflake. You don’t need to compete with anyone. The goals that you set are yours alone and they only cause you to reflect on the next steps, not on what anyone else is doing.Be free to enjoy yourself. Love the skin you are in. Have confidence. You are the best you that anyone has ever seen. Embrace yourself. You are one of a kind.I am awesome at being me. How about you? What are you excellent at?Tell StoriesPeople can have opinions. They can negate your “facts.” For every survey or study that proves that right is right, there are 15 more factual papers that prove that your right is wrong. There is only one thing that can not be disputed and that is your experiences. Tell great stories because e…

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How To Build Branding Into Your Social Media Routine

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Alli Beck, Alli Beck Design

If you wanted to get in shape, you probably wouldn’t expect to work out one time and suddenly turn into Jillian Michaels.The same goes for an irresistible brand.Branding isn’t just a one-time process that you then set aside. Certainly a one-time process is important to establish your brand. But once you have that part done, an irresistible brand is built through consistency in applying that brand over time.Social media is one of the opportunities to put your brand on display. That’s why it is important to build your brand into your social media routine.Here’s how you can make sure you are applying your brand consistently.1. Make the decision to use your brand elements in your social media posts.Consistency is a discipline.Often people go through a branding process, but then don’t use the elements of their brand.The i…

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Aligning with Your Money Factory

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Zak Lioutas, Be Bold, Fierce, Unstoppable.

Money.It’s energy, just as your thoughts are.

Whatever your money thoughts are, your actions are, and outcomes become.

Regardless if you're working for someone, run your own business, or are an entrepreneur, if you find yourself stuck at a certain financial status.

You may be holding onto your parents beliefs, old wounds, buried memories, stagnant energies or old remembrance that your conscious mind isn't aware of.

The mistake many make, when they get on the money plateau or getting out of financial difficulty, is that they look at what actions they are taking first, rather than accessing what's happening within their spirit.

When you look within yourself first, you get to assess what may be holding you back from upgrading your finances on an energetic level.

If you are …

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Strategies for Sales Success

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sinead Norton, Strategies for Sales Success

Three shoestring budget strategies to help you gain sales success and take you from BROKE to BOOKED.

These are the 3 methods I used to take my wedding business from 0-100 bookings in our first year and more than 300 weddings in our second and third year and over 400 – 500 weddings a year after that!

Be booked in advance and CONTROL how to get your bookings! No cold calling or nasty tactics involved. In fact, these strategies help you build good relationships in your industry and install good customer services practise in your business.

What kind of business can benefit?• Wedding Businesses• Beauty Businesses• Service Based Businesses• Holistic Businesses• Therapists and Coaches• Hospitality based businesses.

Strategy OneUse your customers as salespeople and referrals!If you have already pr…

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The ONE thing that Personal Development Courses are MISSING for Women

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Bree Stedman, Emotional Confidence for Women

Wanna hear something CRAZY!76% of Personal Development audiences are Women and of those women, the majority of them have previously attended an event of the same nature.It’s understandable then that many Leaders and Coaches in this field believe that ‘letting go’ of negative emotions and beliefs is HARD work.Here’s the thing….Whether you’ve been to one PD event, or 10, it’s paramount that what you are learning is ABLE to break your negative cycles so YOU feel the benefits of long term change.Think about it...Most PD events share information of similar nature. Unconscious/Conscious Mind. Cause/Effect. Blame/Responsibility. This field is bombarded with ‘new’ processes that promise BIG results, but ultimately share the same information in slightly different variations.And yet they are ALL missing ONE PI…

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Where To Get Help And Support As A Female Entrepreneur

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tineke Rensen, Powerful Business Academy

As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I’ve met many businesswomen who are reluctant to seek help and support. This can be because, as a woman, we are used to being strong-willed and self-sufficient. It’s just not in our nature to admit weakness or loss. But this kind of attitude is counterproductive. As female entrepreneurs, we need all the help we can get. Being a business owner doesn’t mean you have to be on your own. And you’d be surprised at how many resources are out there to help you achieve your goals of growing your business.

Another common oversight of female entrepreneurs is only seeking help when the business is doing bad. This shouldn’t be the case. Business owners need coaches, teachers, and mentors even when their business is doing fine to make sure that it continues growing. A coach will a…

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Stephanie Thoma of Confident Introvert: Giving Feedback; How to Be Honest Without Being Hurtful

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Stephanie Michelle, Stephanie Michelle LLC

My experience giving feedback includes needing to have those coaching conversations that encompass some tough love. It’ll be constructive, but not always what the person you’re speaking with wants to hear. The key is to listen and ask the person you’re providing feedback if they have considered certain viewpoints or what they think of them. It’s about a collaborative conversation versus “because I said so” type of discussion. A feeling of deep understanding and respect on both ends is paramount.

Don’t forget the positive: Getting negative feedback can sting, so if there’s anything they are doing well, or ideally above standard, ensure that you are just as vocal about that, positively reinforcing it, as you are with more constructive feedback.

As a part of our series about “How To Give Honest Feedback without B…

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Looking 8 years back!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Carla Balentina-Martina, CarlaMartinaCoaching

That day was, completely unexpectedly, my last working day as a Human Resource Manager. I was fired!I called my husband, told him the news, and then I went home. I was disappointed, but surprisingly, I was not angry, mad, or sad. The only thing that came into my mind was 'Oh, they don't know what they've missed'.I immediately decided that I didn't want to work for no boss anymore. Within a couple of months, I started my own consultancy business. It was hard; I made extremely long days, I had no weekends, little earnings, but ... I loved the 'freedom'. Working as an independent consultant was somewhat different from being a corporate HR Manager. As a consultant, my clients expected me to search and find out their problems and challenges, think and present innovative solutions and ideas, and implement…

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Why Measure Your Organization’s Resiliency?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Trine Schmidt, Ajivar

Organizations routinely measure key performance indicators as part of ongoing and annual data reporting. Beyond typical departmental metrics, it is also within an organization’s best interest to measure and understand how resilient their workforce is. This deeper understanding of employee’s ability to bounce back from difficult and adverse situations allows the organization to strategically strengthen its workforce equipping them to be more prepared to successfully navigate ongoing growth and change.

Rapid and persistent change within an organization can be taxing to individuals, depleting their capacity to implement projects at an optimal organizational level. By assessing baseline resiliency and monitoring this on an ongoing basis helps the organization evaluate if its workforce can take on new challenges or upcoming projects in an effici…

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