3 Steps to Get Yourself Out of The Day to Day Operations of Your Business

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kelly O'Neil, Innovate Media Services

“I DON’T JUST RUN MY BUSINESS, I AM MY BUSINESS.”Ever find yourself saying that, or thinking it? It’s a pretty common mindset for entrepreneurs who have started gaining traction.

At first, you might say it with pride. And for good reason—you just built something awesome! But doesn’t take long before reality sets in. Yes, you got your business off the ground, and maybe even flying pretty high. But that lift-off came at a price: now you’re stuck behind the computer or on the phone all day, every day.

There are three major problems with this scenario:

It sacrifices your best interests. Being trapped in the hustle-and-grind of your business will eventually burn you out, if it hasn’t already. It brings your personal growth to a standstill and prevents you from bringing your true genius to the world. And, it ca…

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Female Entrepreneurs Who Do Not Automate Waste Too Much Time

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tineke Rensen, Powerful Business Academy

Successful female entrepreneurs can save time in their business by implementing automation. If you don’t use automation, you are essentially wasting your time on repetitive or manual tasks that you could simplify.

Without automation, you will have to spend extra time on repetitive tasks. You could save up to a quarter of your workweek by implementing automation. Plus, according to Forbes, automation offers cost savings from 40 to 75 percent.

Misbeliefs About Automating

You may be hesitant to start using automation for several reasons, but as a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I can assure you that it is worth it.🙂

Here are some of the common misbeliefs about automation and the truth about each of them.

Automation is expensive to invest in

You may think it costs a …

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The CEO Strategic Shift

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kelly O'Neil, Innovate Media Services

As your service business grows, sooner or later you will reach a point where you need to make a choice. You can maintain it as a practice and remain a practitioner working in the business. Or, you can choose to scale it into a larger company—one that will ultimately create a lot more profit and freedom for you.

In Michael Gerber’s book, The E-Myth Revisited, he says that everyone who goes into business has three people within them:

The entrepreneur, or the inner visionary who strategically drives innovation and change towards an ideal futureThe manager, or the inner pragmatist who creates systems and structures that support smooth functioning of the businessThe technician, or inner craftsman, who systematically produces valueIn the early days of running a business, we often spend a lot of time as technicians involv…

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Remarkable CEO Mindset – – Are you aware of your limiting beliefs?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Pauline Malubay, Pauline Malubay Consulting

Now we all know how important mindset is when it comes to business. As I have built up my experience as a Business Mentor and Growth Strategist, I want to share with you a mini-mindset series all about challenging the way you think when it comes to business. So I want to start off with why limiting beliefs could be the barrier holding you back in your business.

So what are limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are usually thoughts/beliefs you have created about yourself and your abilities, you ultimately put a limitation on yourself. You feel like these limitations are your reality but they simply aren’t true. This set of beliefs stop us from reaching our goal because we believe we are not worthy of success. We fear failure and rejection so we stay stuck.

Often these limiting beliefs are linked back to…

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Complete Best Web Hosting Platforms Comparison

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Taylor Lewis, Designs By MOT

Web hosting is a service that allows you to make your website attainable on the world wide web. Web hosting is an essential part of one’s website. It can improve the website’s security as well as its performance. Below we have reviewed the best web hosting platforms!

In short words, It’s very important for your website. There are several web hosting providers on the internet who can provide web hosting but everyone wants solid hosting for his/her website.

What are the qualities of great web hosting:Here are some of the qualities of perfect web hosting. You should consider all these qualities of the service while purchasing it.

Speed:The Internet is the game of seconds. All you need is speed on your website. If your website takes a few seconds longer then be ready that your visitor will not come to your site again.…

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How To Monetise Your Messaging By Tuning Into The Energy Of Your Audience

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Ruth Millar, Boulevard Marketing Ltd

People buy on emotion. It’s the most well-known secret in marketing. Knowing how to use this secret to craft your brand message is key to accelerating growth and we’re going to show you how to do exactly that. Your ICA or Ideal Client doesn’t want to be spoken to like another anonymous lead in your funnel. They will choose to spend their money at businesses who invest the time to connect with them as human beings. Many businesses fall by the wayside despite having brilliant products and services, simply because their messaging lacked emotional connection.If you fear you’re not connecting with your audience on an emotional level, Boulevard is on hand to help. We have taken a well-known energetic secret and used it to create Boulevard’s signature ‘Monetise your messaging’ formula, a high level copy formula that enables you to play palm r…

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Dismissed as Irrelevant. R-E-A-L-L-Y??

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Rena McGill, Corlinc

“There, there little girl” hinted the man wearing the prominent “VC” hat. “Mother-Son Team… I don’t think so” said his representative. “We’ve had a bad experience with your type and you probably won’t find an open mind here”, she said. Our type? You mean family that is hyper focused, driven to succeed, spent years and risked it all to bring a product to market that will change lives and arm underserved entrepreneurs with the tools to prosper? You mean family that covers 2 generations of business expertise, 2 genders that identify with the needs of both, 2 skill sets that consistently test each other, and together a passion to bypass all barriers to become a $100M tech company. Hmmm….SEE THE TEAM SAY “WATCH US!”Small business is the foundation of this country and entrepreneurs fuel the innovation that is our future. I come from a long line of women who…

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9 Reasons You Need A Badass Strategic Plan For Your Business

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kelly O'Neil, Innovate Media Services

Do you want to know the #1 mistake that prevents even the best business ideas from gaining traction in the market? It’s surprisingly simple, and yet so many entrepreneurs think they don’t need one. They miss out on profits and strategic moves that could grant them the team cohesion and solid foundation every business needs to be sustainable.Want to know what it is?(Drumroll, please.)The Strategic Plan.It seems so obvious, and honestly, I know a lot of entrepreneurs believe in its importance, but….Over 99% of entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses don’t believe they need a strategic plan or just never get around to writing one.Then they wonder why their team isn’t in alignment. And no matter how much time and money they invest day in and day out, their business just never gets that necessary traction f…

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3 Personal Branding Tips For Introverts

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Yetunde Shorters, ICY PR | Purpose Clarity Coach

Yes, they can. The very idea of the words “ PERSONAL BRANDING” is stressful enough for any Introvert. Did you know there are over 50% of Americans are Introverts?

According to the official random sample by the Myers-Briggs organization, and this was taken over a decade ago. Imagine how many there are now. You probably know at least 2 introverts in your life or you are one.

I have the privilege of being an Ambivert so I get to experience both sides of the coin. It’s weird. I however am married to an introvert who I get to brand.

I understand his characteristics, so I get to support him in building his personal brand in a way that makes him comfortable and gets his message out to the world.

These 3 strategies I am sharing will help you bring your best self to the world in a way that pro…

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Why Female Entrepreneurs Should Not Shy Away From Automation

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tineke Rensen, Powerful Business Academy

Female entrepreneurs have so much on their plate to keep up with! Managing a business takes a ton of your time and effort. However, automation can save female entrepreneurs time and money, and it can be easy to implement. Automation is becoming more popular, with about 25% of small business owners already adopting some type of automation, according to a McKinsey survey.

Business automation includes automating regular tasks that you would normally do manually like scheduling, order processing, invoicing, website management, and customer support.

However, it can be overwhelming to know where to start and which automation tools are best for your business. Take it from a business coach for female entrepreneurs: the sooner you implement automation into your business, the better. Here are the …

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