#1 Mistake Coaches Make

This blog post has been authored by Valerie Cap, The Nurturing Collective

I run an online coaching business. So as you can imagine, I am online quite a bit.

A good deal of my inspiration, marketing and connection comes through being on social media platforms where coaches hang out. And sometimes that includes groups for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.

And what I see multiple times a day is people venting that they have been at “it” for sometime and have not signed a client yet or are not consistently signing clients.

In the online groups, they ask for support and without even understanding what is behind why that person hasn’t signed clients yet, other service providers are pitching their magic formula immediately.

“I can help you grow your Instagram following!”

“Webinars are the way to go!”

“I show entrepreneurs how to use LinkedIn to cultivate leads.”

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Co-Parenting is F*cking Hard: How to Co-Parent Elegantly

This blog post has been authored by Renee Bauer, Happy Even After, LLC


I had a client who came to me with the best of intentions. She was a refined woman. She spoke deliberately and thoughtfully. She didn’t raise her voice. She wasn’t overly emotional. Her outfits were well thought out. Her life was well-thought out. Her divorce was well thought out, as well. And when she came to see me, she was very clear about what she and her spouse had already agreed on. I will never forget the words she used. She said, “Renee, I want my marriage to be a gracious exit so we can co-parent elegantly.” My heart skipped a beat and I smiled and thought, I wish everyone could have this attitude about their divorce and their co-parenting relationship.

A month later, she called me begging to come in that day. She said she had an urgent matte…

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A Peep On What I Learned Last Week

This blog post has been authored by Jessica Krewson, DesignKrew

Holy sea monkeys was last week was a full, wonderful planning sesh for 2021.Because I am all about learning from the best to give you the best...Here are my top 4 takeaways:COMPLETE. Make sure you bring THIS crazy year to completion FIRST. Ask yourself what you want to leave behind... what behaviors, beliefs, projects, relationships. Then, let that ‘ish go in love and grace!BECOME. Become the person that is already living your vision. I know I have heard this a million times but it just landed differently this time. Think, act, live and make decisions from the vantage point of where you want to go REGARDLESS of your current situation.DELEGATE. Hire the next team member and get anything and everything that isn’t your zone of genius and pleasure to do OFF of your plate. Do not wait or hesitate do this now.SHINE. I talk about this a lot but it…

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Important Reminders for New Online Business Owners

This blog post has been authored by Megan Patzius, Window Seats + Bright Eyes

HEY THERE, NEW ENTREPRENEUR!How are you adjusting to the business owner life?I remember so clearly how it felt those first few months. It is such an exciting, exhilarating, exhausting, and almost mind-blowing time! Half the time you’re diving into your zone, getting things done, and making incredible progress, mixed in with those moments of: “OMG what did I get myself into?!” “I don’t know what I’m doing!!”, and the joyous: “I can’t believe this is real life!”

It can feel like a bit of a roller coaster at first, but a very rewarding one! From chatting with you guys in my group program, I wanted to impart a few reminders for my new online business owners, that I think you probably need to hear right about now!

ONE OF THE HARDEST THINGS TO DO IS TO DECIDE TO START, AND YOU’VE ALREADY DONE ITTying into my first point, just remember that …

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Why Branding Matters

This blog post has been authored by Alli Beck, Alli Beck Design

Have you ever noticed that all of the stock and social media photos businesses post of computers are of Macs? No one ever takes a picture of a PC, a notebook and a cup of coffee and posts it to Instagram.

Why? Well, an easy guess is that Macs are pretty. They have nice lines and that classic Apple logo is so sleek.

That's true, but there's more to it than that. Apple has created a look and feel that people identify with creativity. There is a refinement to it. A class. It speaks to an entrepreneurial spirit and the wild pursuit of ingenuity.

This wasn't by accident.

Apple crafted a brand that people know - whether they are die hard cult of Mac fans or PC loyalists who criticize it, the Apple brand and everything it stands for is instantly recognizable, even without a logo present.

As a business owner, you probably have…

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Why Do You Need An Email Sequence?

This blog post has been authored by Brooke Markevicius, Allobee

Have you wondered why you need an email sequence or how to get them done for you to maximize your funnels, email marketing and more?

Listen in with Founder & CEO of Allobee, Brooke Markevicius, to learn:

1. How she utilizes email sequences for Allobee2. How Allobee's clients utilize sequences3. How to prepare and get ready to hire a copywriter for this


My name is Brooke Markevicius and I am the Founder and CEO of Allobee. I am a mom to Lily & Lukas and partner to Edgar. We have 2 rescue dogs and live in the wonderful city of Durham, NC. I am a total book and history nerd, and a hustler at heart.

I founded Allobee 2 years ago due to seeing the issues in both the gig economy, freelancing and running a business. Through my work at Postmates in operations, freelancing and running a co-w…

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The Principle of the Higher Law

This blog post has been authored by Engracia Sleeswijk, ESleeswijk Consultancy

Within societies around the world, laws have been put in place to ensure that societies function. Based on an ideology, laws have been instituted to regulate, for example, a democracy. Other forms are that of communism, where one starts from the doctrine of classless and socialist achievement. Whatever your thoughts are regarding these doctrines' pros or cons, the functionality of enacting a law as an instrument to regulate still stands.Many are inclined to follow the rules, even if it is for the primary intention not to be confronted with the consequences of not following the law. It is with a sense of choice. Within the structure of rules, there is always a higher law overriding the lower one's application. Here, the higher law principle applies: This is a principle of divine or moral law that is considered superior to constitutions and enacted legisl…

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What’s Your Biz Fear?

This blog post has been authored by Gwendolen Wilder, Impossible to Possible Women


Do you know why you're stressing all the time building your biz?

Do you know why you aren't making any money in your business?

Because there's one thing every female entrepreneur has in common (even the most successful ones) that it could be and I see it all the time.

I LOVINGLY REFER TO THIS OBSTACLE AS A "FEAR"And what I mean by this is your unwillingness to not identify your #1 Biz obstacle (fear) is keeping you from being successful as a female entrepreneur.

And there are six things you can do about this right now, to Kickass Past Your Fear to become more self-confident and financially independent in your biz.


Unless you're a rockstar online marketer like Marie Forleo and can make a Billion teaching others how to start and scale a …

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5 Reasons Service-Providers and Coaches Need a Passive Income Stream

This blog post has been authored by Eileen Ystheim, Human Design by Eileen

Have you heard the phrase, “Make money while you sleep”? It’s a common phrase thrown around the internet marketing world that describes the power of having a passive income stream:

Make a product one time but reap the rewards for years to come!

Passive income can benefit absolutely everyone, no matter what type of business you have or what type of coach you are.

The key is to make the product creation as simple and as inexpensive as possible. This doesn’t mean your product will be cheap; it means you should focus on your area of expertise and solve a common problem among your audience.

Why coaches and service-providers need info-products:

1. Supplement your income when a client cancels their contract. No one wants to think about losing a client (or two!) but it happens.Instead of panicking at the idea of fin…

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A Financially Fit New You

This blog post has been authored by Iris Montgomery, Financial Services Professional

In times like these, we all could use a little more financial understanding and protection for our entire family. Fortunately, I’m here to make it easier. You can book a meeting with me to learn how about money saving financial strategies that can help protect and grow your family’s financial future for generations to come.

Make the best step for you and your family to protect your assets, grow your investments, insure you and your family so you do not have to worry about the what-ifs.

Is your mortgage protected? Will your children have funds for their college education? If you are the breadwinner, will your family be able to survive if you are no longer here? Contact me today and we will go over some very help strategies that you have wondered about or didn’t think of.

My name is Iris Montgomery. I have been working …

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