This blog post has been authored by Vanessa Zamy, Your Vision's Catalyst, LLC
I was there three years ago. Have you noticed that lately, those hopes and dreams you've had years ago are creeping to the forefront of your mind?
Is your life where you want it to be? Are there hopes and dreams you have been sitting on for a while, perhaps days, months, years? Fantastic! You are reading the right article at the right time.
The great news is that I am not there now, and you don’t have to be either. There were three most important factors that allowed to build my profit-producing, purpose-driven business, all while still completing my full-time 9-5 job duties and writing my bestselling book. With these same three factors, you can accomplish your goals and move forward into your fullest potential.
Three top factors you need to “Embrace Your Now”:
1) Openness to change. Some may call this a solution-o…