Why You Can’t Just Snap Out Of Depression

This blog post has been authored by Teresa Sanderson, Positively Teresa

When I was first diagnosed with major depression in 2010 I knew it would be difficult for my family to believe, but I never dreamed it would be so hard for me to understand that mental illness is as real as physical illness. Let me explain.

If I had a bad cold, I might check my temperature to see if I have a fever. I would expect a runny nose, body aches and maybe a scratchy throat. I might even choose to take a sick day to allow my body to rest. And I would probably drink soups, juices, and plenty of fluids. Does that sound about right?

When depression hits, though, I can’t see it. People who know me and love me can’t see it. It’s just something that exists behind my eyes and between my ears. So, because I can’t see it – I mean, there’s no real evidence of being sick – in the past I would keep on doing all of my normal activities. I would …

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Beauty For Ashes? Strength For Fear?

This blog post has been authored by Monique Lisa, Extreme Killer 3D Writing Coaching

Today is a day that we'll never forget. As we all wait in anxious anticipation the state of our nation. But, all too often this is how many of us live. Fearful, stressed, nervous and down right scared about what will become of our lives after traumas. So many of us think because we've gone through horrific things that these stories can't be used to change lives and use the freedom of telling these stories to catapult us to a place of peace, calm and content.

Have you ever handed someone a handful of ashes in exchange for a beautiful bouquet of roses? How about that for a gift exchange program? When have we ever handed someone the broken pieces of our lives and they decided that in return they wanted to share something beautiful that had true value instead? Well, when we go through traumatic things and we seek out the help we need to heal…

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High-achieving Women Who Are Non-profit Leaders And Small Business Owners Know The Importance Of Sharing – But Do You?

This blog post has been authored by DrLaureen Wishom, DrLaureen Wishom

My high-achieving women clients are Non-Profit Leaders and Small Business Owners and they seem to know the importance of sharing knowledge – but do you?

When you pass something along to someone else, whether it’s an idea, a thought, a feeling, or a resource, everybody walks away a winner. It could be a great book that you read, an awesome podcast you recently listened to, maybe something you are doing that has changed your health. Whatever benefit you received can be passed along and in the process of passing it along, you will benefit again and again.

If you share what you’ve learned with 10 different people, they get to hear it once, and you get to hear it 10 times. It’s probably going to do more for you than for them until they start the sharing process as well.

When you share, you become a better and mu…

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Build your ship – Position yourself.

This blog post has been authored by Engracia Sleeswijk, ESleeswijk Consultancy

A wait-and-see attitude in a time of crisis can have adverse consequences. At all times, it is essential to be aware of your qualities to weather a possible emergency. Life does what it has always done: you have peaks and valleys, and this cycle has been a fact for the last centuries. Preparation can save the day. Every family, every professional has to build their ship.

Position yourself.Betting on one horse is a dangerous method at any time, but certainly in this one. People sometimes have a philosophy that they do not want to think doom by dealing with possible scenarios of crisis. While this is a plausible method for positive people, it causes the reality to be lost of sight. Without this figurative ship, there is no protection. The effect of this situation may be that you cannot eve…

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I did a 7‑day digital detox retreat. Here is what happened.

This blog post has been authored by Katarzyna Richter, Deal With Culture

I did a 7‑day digital detox retreat. Here is what happened

I learned that doing other things than scrolling the phone makes me feel much better (Less anxiety, more happiness)

I created a better connection with myself, understood my emotions

I gained clarity of mind

I strengthen my feeling of meaning and sense of direction

I gained more time

I experienced more radiance, gratitude, and self-acceptance

I experienced the restorative power of nature

I tuned into my body, noticing what signals it sends

I understood that I can create a sense of security, courage, peace, and self-worth without external resources.

How does digital detox look like?

I’ve been running my business online, therefore laptop, mobile phone, and social media channels are my everyday to…

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How to build a personal brand?

This blog post has been authored by Aino Horsma, Daily Creative

What is personal branding?Personal branding is building a brand around yourself, developing and maintaining a reputation and an impression of you as a crucial part of your business.This is critical, because of what we already know about reputations in general: it’s essentially impacted by what other people say about you behind your back. Think of it this way: what would you want your customers to say about you when you’re not in the room?Why do you need a personal brand?For three simple reasons: you lead more, you win more, and you earn more. Your customers have to “know, like, and trust” you before they buy from you. And a strong personal brand builds credibility, authority, and trust, so you’re more likely to attract more business.Having a strong personal brand also helps you connect with your customers. When you share your story with you…

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3 Tips to Help Your Brand Show Up On Zoom Like a Pro

This blog post has been authored by Faith James, The Personal Branding Consultancy, LLC

Now more than ever people have been Zooming like they have never Zoomed before!

I mean honestly :-) I am doing wardrobe changes in between Zoom meetings like I'm a celebrity. But seriously if you are an employee, business owner or entrepreneur I am sure your Zooming days have been up there.

So how is your brand showing up? Are people seeing you as a pro, a subject matter expert, or are they more focused on what's hanging behind your chair or wondering who is iPhone 234455?

You are your brand always! So keep that in mind. You should treat your Zoom sessions the same way you would if you had to show up to an in-person meeting. It's just common sense.

Here are 3 tips to help you level up your brand image on Zoom.

Zoom Pro Tip #1 - You are your brand. You are not your iPhone or Android phone number.…

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What’s a Minimalist Business?

This blog post has been authored by Diana Olynick, Alkimia Success

Looking back, I can see how the life itself aligns everything in a perfect way. A couple of years ago I knew I needed a way to find more meaning to my life and although I didn’t know how, I trusted I would find the way. Then the way showed up by itself. Or at least that’s how I understand it.

The minimalist philosophy came to stay and not just as a lifestyle but also in business.

What’s minimalism? My personal definition is that minimalism is to maximize what matters by minimizing what is not essential for YOU. So it’s not just about getting rid of something as to it is knowing first what truly fulfill us. Then by nature, we tend to be away from what doesn’t.

I realized during this journey, that the same principles of minimalism were very similar to my experience and studies in lean & strategic practices in Engineering. Wow! It was…

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5 Myths About Selling That Are Keeping You Broke

This blog post has been authored by Shana Dewitt, Shana Dewitt

At the start of my business selling used to terrify me. I was great at pitching my idea or service because I had a ton of practice doing that in my job as an Art Director. When it came time to sell my offer, I really had a hard time. I finally realized I had to figure out what was blocking me, because if you want to grow a business, you have to learn how to sell. There really isn’t a way around it. What I have found in working with entrepreneurs and through my own journey, is that often, we just need to reframe what we think selling really is. These 5 common myths hold many entrepreneurs back from loving sales and growing their business and this could be keeping you broke too.

Myth #1 – Nobody wants to pay for the thing you are selling.

This is the most common excuse I hear from clients who are terrified to sell, because it’s easy to build up eviden…

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Embrace Your Now: Three Key Traits To Optimize Your Inner Solopreneur

This blog post has been authored by Vanessa Zamy, Your Vision's Catalyst, LLC

I was there three years ago. Have you noticed that lately, those hopes and dreams you've had years ago are creeping to the forefront of your mind?

Is your life where you want it to be? Are there hopes and dreams you have been sitting on for a while, perhaps days, months, years? Fantastic! You are reading the right article at the right time.

The great news is that I am not there now, and you don’t have to be either. There were three most important factors that allowed to build my profit-producing, purpose-driven business, all while still completing my full-time 9-5 job duties and writing my bestselling book. With these same three factors, you can accomplish your goals and move forward into your fullest potential.

Three top factors you need to “Embrace Your Now”:

1) Openness to change. Some may call this a solution-o…

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