This blog post has been authored by Leah JM Dean, Conduit International Ltd
Today’s blog is about discovering why we need to think about our tribes right NOW! I hope you will feel my passion and share in the urgency. Our tribes really do matter.
Why is this idea of tribe important?The more I have read, researched, and written, the more I have learned about why now, more than at any other time in our history, we need to talk about our tribes. For me, it comes down to three simple, but powerful words - I call them the three R’s.
RelationshipsRejectionRelianceLet me explain…
Relationships are importantWe need relationships to THRIVE, they are not optional. It’s 2020 and it’s almost as if the lenses on our glasses have been strengthened. Suddenly, we can see in a whole new way - the divides, isolation, and loneliness that are attacking the world in epic proportions. Research shows that our relationships i…