Why You Can’t Just Snap Out Of Depression

This blog post has been authored by Teresa Sanderson, Positively Teresa

When I was first diagnosed with major depression in 2010 I knew it would be difficult for my family to believe, but I never dreamed it would be so hard for me to understand that mental illness is as real as physical illness. Let me explain.

If I had a bad cold, I might check my temperature to see if I have a fever. I would expect a runny nose, body aches and maybe a scratchy throat. I might even choose to take a sick day to allow my body to rest. And I would probably drink soups, juices, and plenty of fluids. Does that sound about right?

When depression hits, though, I can’t see it. People who know me and love me can’t see it. It’s just something that exists behind my eyes and between my ears. So, because I can’t see it – I mean, there’s no real evidence of being sick – in the past I would keep on doing all of my normal activities. I would …

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What Do Doctors And Coaches Have In Common?

This blog post has been authored by Mia LaMotte, Mia LaMotte International

Earlier this week I was talking to one of my clients about being a coach and the coaching industry. We talked about how she had a bad experience with a previous coach and was very wary of the title. I started to ask her a lot of questions about this experience. Then I thought, have you ever had a bad meal, a bad relationship, or a bad physician. Of course, she replied yes and I asked how is this any different?

While I realize there are bad people out there who are out of integrity and who lie about their credentials and capabilities (hello, have you met Donald Trump?), there are also some amazing people out there who are truly making a difference in the lives of others. And, I’d assert that coaches are probably making the most impact. Here’s why.

Coaches have the ability to be direct and cut to the chase. Most people who knew my mother k…

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How You Deprive Yourself From Your Rightful Merits!

This blog post has been authored by Panagiota Panagiotaki, Up Life Psychology - Success Coaching Services

One of the biggest obstacles a person will face when working towards a goal is not a lack of progress. On the contrary! It is not appreciating the steps they have already taken!

This is because these steps occur at a slow pace every day, while at the same time we are called to be involved in many other activities. So our attention is split among many different tasks and we end up not realizing the progress we make on a daily basis.

Frequently, we only focus our attention on the ulterior goal we want to achieve. But we are unable to see the distance we have already traveled since the beginning of our venture.

Usually, the problem is that we do not comprehend what kind of skills and strategies we have used, nor how many others we have developed along the way, nor how many difficulties and obstacles …

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Beauty For Ashes? Strength For Fear?

This blog post has been authored by Monique Lisa, Extreme Killer 3D Coaching

As we all wait in anxious anticipation of the state of our nation. All too often this is how many of us live - Fearful, stressed, nervous and down right scared about what will become of our lives after traumas. So many of us think because we've gone through horrific things that these stories can't be used to change lives and use the freedom of telling these stories to catapult us to a place of peace, calm and content.

Have you ever handed someone a handful of ashes in exchange for a beautiful bouquet of roses? How about that for a gift exchange program? When have we ever handed someone the broken pieces of our lives and they decided that in return they wanted to share something beautiful that had true value instead? Well, when we go through traumatic things and we seek out the help we need …

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Is Investing in Design Worth It?

This blog post has been authored by Kusha Kalra, The Bespoke Designs

Portraying the right image of your brand to your clients should be one of your topmost priorities as an online business owner. There are so many risks if your design is giving your potential clients the wrong signals. So, here goes the million-dollar question – Is investing in design worth it? Before we go further as to why design is worth investing, let’s first define what is design when related to branding. Your brand is the face of your business and design brings branding to life in a visual format. So it is basically those things that represent your brand visually. Since design is now clearly defined, here are my top 5 reasons why I say investing in design is worth every single penny:

1. Good design makes your business look professionalPeople will start taking you professionally if you have a p…

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Release Pressure…

This blog post has been authored by Jessica Krewson, DesignKrew

I want you (and myself) to RELEASE PRESSURE. We can still have deadlines AND release that white knuckle grip. So if you have tension in your shoulders, neck, belly... Let go, breathe into those places and let go of perfection, have-to, "shoulds", performance, keeping up. Make it easy, not hard. Even though we have been taught that more, better, faster is the way to get ahead. It is false. Relax and allow. Much more will come to you and with much greater ease (and fun!). I want this for you.

A Drop the Pressure Exercise.

* Take 5 minutes to write out everything going on in your head. It could be anything from this person is upsetting you, you're worried about money, all the way down to where did you put that button from your favorite shirt last week. Big/small doesn't matter.


Now t…

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3 Reasons Why a Signature Offer Helps You Become Known in Your Industry Faster

This blog post has been authored by Terra Bohlmann, Business Coach for Women

Coco Chanel founded an empire on one signature offer--The LBD aka The Little Black Dress.

It’s what has made Chanel one of the most recognizable luxury brands for more than 100 years and the most influential fashion brand on social media with more than 57 million followers today.

Your signature offer is the LBD of your business.

It can be in the form of an online product, program, course or 1:1 service. Some examples are high-end masterminds, workshops, conferences, a product bundle, and retreats. Your signature offer is the anchor of your business from which all your other upsells and down sells are attached.

First, let’s get clear on the goal of this blog post. If you have never heard of a signature offer before now or never considered it as a staple in your business, this blog post will help you see for yourself …

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What’s the best website builder for my coaching business?

This blog post has been authored by Natalie Hayes, Developmental Edge

Welcome to our new series, Launchpad Qs! We answer the most common questions we get asked by students in our Launchpad program, to help you build your business and become a highly successful coach.Today’s Question - What’s the best website builder for my coaching business?When you’re starting a coaching business, a website can be one of the biggest things you invest in for your business. So, often there’s a lot of questions, overwhelm and anxiety about getting it right.How do I create my website?What website builder should I choose?Do I DIY? Or pay someone?How much should I spend?!Luckily, building a website doesn’t have to be complicated.Having worked with many students now and building over 11 websites myself for Developmental Edge and my various other businesses - I breakdown the 3 questions you need to answer when it comes to pick…

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Cultural Appropriation & Yoga : A can of worms or just Tandoori pizza.

This blog post has been authored by Catherine Elizabeth Cahill, Perfectly Imperfect Yogis

This subject is a can of worms and each of those worms are walking their own tight rope.

Cultural appropriation or cultural misappropriation are the same thing.Basically it is the adoption of one or more elements of a culture by members of another culture.

We do it ALL THE TIME.

So when is ok? & when do the worms fall off that tightrope?

Cultural appropriation is not so great when there is a power dynamic at play, where members of a dominant culture cherry pick particular elements of from a culture that has been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.

So, say you really like Chinese food but never want to set foot in China? Probs not so great.Or you wear a sari to fancy dress party but you are not interested in understanding the life experience of the people of India, you just bor…

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Periods & Yoga: A follow up, What They Said.

This blog post has been authored by Catherine Elizabeth Cahill, Perfectly Imperfect Yogis

Mmmmmmmmm, this subject is tetchy. I love it, men not so much

Some people run & hide & some people just don't even know why they think the words that they speak. This last statement can be true in many aspects of our life its called programming. Programming is what were are gifted with when we start breathing our own oxygen into our very own little lungs as we are squeezed into this incarnation. Thanks to mum, dad, extended family, school, friends (so their parents by default) It gets digitally downloaded from the news and any other people that regularly wave their influencer wands in our faces. In the olden days it was via the radio or the idiot box, that programmed language is courtesy of my dad lol. Today we have the Webbasorous Wrecks and Grammers who battle to be elevated to status of Insta Influencer.

I digre…

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