How to Put Your Business on Autopilot to Generate Passive Income

This blog post has been authored by Vanessa Ann Miller, Business Strategist for Mompreneurs

During my Corporate America days, I loved setting up my automatic "Out of Office Reply" when I was on vacation because I was able to automatically direct people to take action on self-services while I was away.

This automation helped reduce the amount of work I had to come back to after a restful vacation. It also let me enjoy my vacation more without the worry and stress of what mess I was coming home to.

Automation can be an entrepreneur's best friend especially when it comes to email marketing!

Many solopreneurs and network marketing entrepreneurs shy away from email marketing causing them to miss out on a ton of revenue and lost effort.

It cost less money to sell to an existing client than it is to find a new client. Not to mention the energy spent.

Check out some of the mistakes I've fo…

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Conversion Equation

This blog post has been authored by Terri Levine, Heartrepreneur LLC

4 Easy Tricks to Gain More ClientsThere are three major marketing mistakes I see with business owners. The first mistake is that business owners go it alone. They do not really have a proven marketing formula and have not spent years studying and testing marketing. Yet, they do not get any professional help and they keep trying different tactics and hoping something will actually stick. Or they get help from a self-proclaimed marketing “guru” or a course that doesn’t work. Are you making any of these mistakes?

The second marketing mistake is that most entrepreneurs and business owners do not really know the marketing fundamentals required to get qualified prospects, how to close prospects, and how to generate income. So, they keep trying things and spending money and time and energy on wasted sales a…

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Showing Up For Yourself

This blog post has been authored by Lisa Kelly, Infinite Awakenings

What does it really mean to show up for yourself? When you have disconnected from your truth, the things you believe in, your wants and passions that truly bring out the best in you, you are not showing up for yourself. It could be as simple as not eating healthy when you said you would or not doing your usual workout. Bigger circumstances can be staying in that soul sucking job you hate or that abusive relationship. Whatever your circumstance is, it’s important to be authentic and live the life you were destined to live. After all, no one is going to do that for you.

Let’s face it, sometimes it’s really easy not to show up for our needs. We have families, kids, pets, etc and we have always been taught that it’s selfish to put our needs first. I’m here to tell you that it’s not. Stop listening to that inner voice in your head that may be telling you that…

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The Entrepreneurial Inner-Journey

This blog post has been authored by Florence His, Business4People

The Entrepreneurial Journey is filled with challenges and opportunities and at its heart lies an epic human adventure.

Among the key traits of successful serial entrepreneurs is their capacity to continuously- Uphold and nurture the vision of what is yet to come into existence- Find support as well early adopters for that service (or product) which may only be a concept, a simple landing page or a prototype at the moment they start out on on their journey- Follow through, reach out to and secure the resources needed, against all odds and the nay-sayers, the haters who will hate- Surf an ocean of uncertainty, complexity and waves of messy trial and error as they refine their initial idea; confront the "oh so sought-after" and challenging market-fit moment that will make or break them ... to finally (oh no wait, you are actually just only starting this new s…

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“Awareness first and Adapt second” is the NEW NORMAL

This blog post has been authored by Katia Ravé, Ravé Strategy Studio Business Coaching

I spoke on another panel today.I genuinely love these virtual panels connecting with other incredible guests and the opportunity to network together.Why? Well, I love and adore real networking with a purpose.The host was great at moderating it, asking each panel member what the week’s success was. He said, “success is highly contagious” and he is right!One of the questions today went deep for me…And my response made me want to write this post.

So what do I think will be the new normal? Well, first I am not a fan of this word…

My answer was simple, and I saw my point of view, coming out loud and clear. For some of you that don’t know me or how I see the world...this might come as a shock. What is the way I look at everything and my point of vie…

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Set Boundaries, Not Guards

This blog post has been authored by Anastasha Grace Deyour, Anastasha Grace

Boundaries are ‘standards’ and ‘limits’ people set in order to create a healthy sense of personal space.

Guards are very different from ‘boundaries’. Guards are walls made of mistrust, defensiveness and an intent to preserve yourself. Boundaries are set from a place of self-love, self-respect, self-responsibility and incredibly needed for a healthy emotional, energetic and physical exchange with other people.

The dictionary definition of boundaries states that they are: guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for him- or herself what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around him or her and how he or she will respond when someone steps outside those limits.”

There are a few signs that can indicate to you that your boundaries become weakened in relationships and communicati…

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The Myth of Passion Unraveled

This blog post has been authored by Engracia Sleeswijk,

Passion is seen by many as the element to achieve success. When passion sets in, one experiences an intense desire for something or someone. Within this context, the focus is on the desire to achieve a particular goal. Professionals indicate during job interviews that they are passionate about everything. Isn't this a bit grandiose?

The professional intends to show an employer that he is willing to invest a lot in time and actions to achieve success. While this is a good and noble pursuit, other components allow passion to make its function effectively. Let's illustrate this with an athlete. Passion is an emotional response to, for example, achieving a goal. Athletes have a passion for practicing their sport. We, as the spectators, find their behavior only obsessive. We also shy away from the "arrogant" talking athletes often use. We cannot imagine…

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You Are Stronger Than You Think

This blog post has been authored by Lorelei Torino, Fitspiration Everyday Women

Aloha! My name is Lorelei and I live on an island of Maui in Hawaii. While we don’t really live in grass shacks and sip on coconut water all day we are blessed to have the finer things.

Let me say that to all the sisters out there making it day after day that you are stronger than you think! Sometimes you gonna have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and give it all you got and do it over and over again! Support is so important. Sis, you are stronger than you think!

Put it on a sticky note everywhere so when you start to doubt yourself or your dreams you can be reminded that you ARE stronger than you think! 

Aloha! My name is Lorelei and I’m from Maui, Hawaii. While we don’t really live in grass huts we actually have the finer thing…

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Don’t Make Assumptions – Ask Questions

This blog post has been authored by Laura Koubenec, Reconnecting-You

Tips for intercultural couples #1

We easily assume that our loved one has similar thoughts, values, and perceptions. However, bear in mind your partner from a different culture has seen different status symbols and role models through fairy tales and movies.

He/she has grown up with different smells and spices in the kitchen, and was raised with different rules regarding respect, privacy or punctuality.

A lot of tension in intercultural couples comes down to miscommunication. So, instead of assuming you know, stay open-minded and curious.

Ask your partner directly: “what does this mean to you?”.


What does it mean to you to get married?

What does it mean to you to involve the extended family in the decision-making process?

What does it mean to yo…

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Yoga everyday- right or wrong? Why?

This blog post has been authored by Talayeh Shabanifard, Yoga with Talayeh (Yogital)

Yoga is great but it's not complete. You should practice every day But you shouldn’t do the same set of poses every day. Anything that you do repeatedly over long periods of time can lead to a repetitive stress injury (RSI). Even yoga. Yoga is great but It's missing som factors for a well rounded healthy body.Here are 3 reasons why you should yoga every day But you should train more than yoga.

1. Nothing happens in your "Comfort Zone"

Your body needs variation. This is a fundamental and powerful law of nature. If you just pull and not push, you have a problem, if you just stretching your hamstrings and don't building muscles around it, you have a problem.That's just the way our body is, you need to do balance movements to have a balances body.If you get stuck in your routines you get wrong effect longterm. Mix it up. Whate…

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