Write Your Non-Fiction Book and Establish Yourself As An Authority: No Buts And Ifs!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Dr. Maria Ian, Manifest Heart-Centered Harmony Writing Academy

Write Your Non-Fiction Book and Establish Yourself As An Authority: No Buts And Ifs!If you are reading this, you are most likely afraid two things might happen: Your Non-Fiction Book will be too expensive to write and produce; after all, you want to pour your entire life history, your top skills and knowledge, or the marvels of your business into your book. Or, no one will take you seriously as an authority; after all, the only authorities you know of are on national television, on bestseller lists, or have titled professorships at universities.Both things are dead wrong. You see, the human mind is naturally built not to work in your favor; whenever you set yourself on the right path, your mind will come up with the best excuse to talk you out of it. We will cover this natural human tendency in a future post. …

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How to find purpose in midlife; Tips for those over 40

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Nichole Banks, Banks & Co. LLC

Are you feeling stuck in life and uncertain of your purpose? If you're over 40, you are not alone. Many people in midlife find themselves searching for meaning and a sense of purpose. Finding your purpose in midlife can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tips and strategies, it's possible to discover new passions and goals that can bring you joy and fulfillment. In this blog post, we'll explore how to find purpose in midlife, and offer practical tips for those over 40.Understand that a change might be necessaryWhen you reach midlife, you might be feeling lost and unsure of your purpose. If you feel that way, it is important to realize that a change may be necessary. Women over 40 who want to find purpose must be willing to make changes in their lives. Change can be difficult, but it can a…

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How Publishing Can Help Women Coaches Become More Visible As Industry Leaders

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sharlrita Deloatch, BWE Publishing and Consulting

Publishing is a powerful tool that can help women coaches increase their visibility and establish themselves as leaders in their industry. By sharing their expertise and experiences, women coaches can reach a wider audience, build their personal brand, and demonstrate their knowledge and skills to potential clients and collaborators.

One effective way for women coaches to publish their content is through writing articles and blog posts. This allows them to share their insights and perspectives on various coaching topics and provide valuable advice to their readers. Writing for reputable websites and blogs can also help women coaches establish themselves as thought leaders in their field and reach a larger audience.

In addition to writing articles and blog posts, women coach…

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5 Things I did to Start My Healing From Abuse Journey

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Christy Mirabello, Christy Jade LLC

Hello Queens. I'm so excited you are here. Today we're gonna talk about five things to do at the start of your healing from abuse journey. So whether you are in it and trying to claw your way out, or you are kind of on the other side and starting to heal, or you've been on the outside for a little bit, but still feeling like you just have a lot of work to do. These are some of the things, some tips that I myself did at the beginning of my journey and wanna share with you all.

1. Recognizing the bigness of it because it was way bigger than I realized.

Not just the the actual abuse, but the actual healing and the damage that had been done. So you might need to take a minute to really recognize like this is a big deal and validate yourself. Get validation from someone you trust close to you. And giving yourself grace, k…

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The Rocky Road to Restoring Shattered Trust

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Debi Silber, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute

Trust holds relationships together, but sometimes the bonds unravel. That can happen after any breach in trust; a romantic partner having an affair, a business partner stealing the company funds, your siblings turning their back on you in your darkest hours…you get the idea.

Even if you avoid what you’d consider a major betrayal, you’re still likely to run into a coworker who talks behind your back, a friend who shares your secret, or a colleague who breaks a promise.

Trust can be rebuilt, but it takes work. Consider these strategies for what to do when you let others down or feel like you’ve been deceived.

What to Do When You Damage the Trust

Apologize sincerely. Express your regret for what you did and acknowledge the impact that your actions had on others’ lives. Resist the u…

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10 Quick And Healthy Breakfast Recipes

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Elizabeth Ruth, ER Marketing Services

Here is a round-up of 10 quick and healthy breakfast recipes for you which will be great and refreshing start to your busy mornings.

This collection of 10 quick and healthy breakfast recipes offers great choices so you can start your day with a nutritious start. You can prepare most of the recipes given below in advance giving you an option to grab and go for those busy mornings. These healthy breakfasts will keep you energized until lunchtime. In the blog series of Quick and Healthy Recipes, I will share some meal recipes to make your life as a busy working woman easier.

The Most Important Meal Of The Day

I have heard so many people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I never understood this concept until I moved to college. To be honest, I had no idea how to take care of myself for t…

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7 Ways To Make Visualisation Easier

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Olubunmi Aboaba, Olubunmi Future Life

Visualisation is such a cool way to help you achieve whatever it is you set out to do and live the life you truly desire. When we connect our vision and our values and the visualise this is where the magic happens and where we can show up as the best version of ourselves.

But ….is it magic?No it is not.It really is Science…. and Science has already documented the effectiveness of visualisation extensively, it’s conclusion being based-on neuroscience. We are just using more of our brain in a structured and practical manner. This has a profound effect on health, success, relationships …..and the list goes on.“Visualisation is about using more of our brain”. When we visualise, we create a scenario in our mind’s eye, we use more of the right brain. As we tap into, and tune …

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The 3 Stages Of Business And What’s Required For Each

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sofia Rose Bernardi, Rising Ventures

At each stage of business, a different level of time, energy and resources will be required of you!⁣⁣

Let me break this down.…⁣⁣

Start Up Phase: In the early stages of business, there is a lot to learn, a lot to do and a lot to think about. Here, you are doing lots of trial and error, setting up the foundations and likely experiencing a lot of uncertainty. It’s in this phase that you will also need to have a few trade-offs to be able to invest the time required and resources required to get the ball rolling.⁣⁣

⁣⁣If you are in the start up phase, join my self paced, life time access course – Rise To Coach teaching you how to sign your first clients.⁣⁣

⁣Growth Phase: In this phase the foundations are set and its time to buy back your time by starting to automate and delegate your processes to spend…

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5 Tips To Set Strong And Achievable Business Goals

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Elizabeth Ruth, ER Marketing Services

Are you having trouble setting goals that your business can achieve? Here are five ways that you can set your goal setting straight.

Let’s start off by saying this: setting good business goals is not as easy as it can be made out to be. It is very easy to set a goal that, while attainable, does not provide a great structure to complete it. On the flip side, rigid goal structures that don’t generate a large amount of success are also not that great.

Think about if your business goal is simply to make sales. That’s actually quite a weak goal: you might be making sales, but your profit might be abysmal.

Here are some tips to make sure that your business goals are both strong and achievable.

Set Specific And Adjustable Business Goals

This ties a lot into what was mentioned before. You want your g…

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#creativity #creativeskills #digitallearning

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Iwona Fluda, Ministry of Creativity LLC

Oh boy, It's NOT possible to teach and learn creativity!

This year, I was challenged on many different levels and realized all over again that challenges made me use my creativity and creative skills more often.

I was also challenged on the professional level because apparently: It's NOT possible to teach and learn creativity. (Here, you can see my eyeballs rolling).

What is possible or not is too often up to our imagination. Catapulting ourselves playfully out of our comfort zones can make us think differently and reimagine how we think, who we are, and what and how we create.

So I took this (impossible) challenge in my hands, looked at it for a while, ignored it, or rather tried to ignore it, hid it in my wardrobe, flashed it in the toilet, threw it out my balcony, and it always came back. A…

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