Content Brainstorming: How to Brainstorm Content Ideas

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Cheryl Thacker, Successful Coaches Enterprise

Content Brainstorming | One of the biggest hurdles to blogging for any niche is coming up with content ideas. This is because many people get stuck in their left brain and cannot easily generate much content.

But, if you know how to harness your right-brain way of thinking, you have an enormous amount of information inside of you to come up with awesome content for your blog.

It doesn’t matter if your content is focused on text, video, or something else. It doesn’t matter. Coming up with unlimited content ideas can be done anytime.

Content Brainstorming: How to Brainstorm Content Ideas

1.) Use Mind Maps to Content BrainstormingMind Maps

Creating a mind map is an excellent way to create an organized brain dump of information to create content.

You start with one topic …

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Blog Post Marketing Services

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Elizabeth Ruth, ER Marketing Services

Have you considered a blog post strategy for your business? Let's dive into how a blog can help your website get found and connect with your audience.Have you spent a lot of time and money getting your website set up and then just left it alone? If you don’t already, you should consider a blog post strategy to consistently add new content to your website. This will keep your website fresh and searchable as well as establish your industry authority to your readers.

Why Create A Blog Post Strategy For Your Business?

Did you know that blog post content can encourage readers to return to your business when they need a service or product you offer?

When you write about a topic you’re passionate about, people looking for that information will be attracted to your website.

A blog post is an ideal way t…

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How to Create Quality Content to Attract Leads & Clients Online

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jane Daly, BScN, MBA, Digital Lifestyle Creative | Driven Women Entrepreneurs

I know it can be difficult to come up with quality content, so I’ll share 4 ways you can get inspiration to create great content, to never be stuck for content ideas again.

1) YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine online, after Google. One way to tap into that power is by looking for what the most common search topics are in your industry, and create content around those. There are different ways you can do this.First, you can go to the YouTube search bar and type in a common industry word/phrase, and see what pops up. What will show in the dropdown list will be related searches that people have made around that word or phrase. So, for example, if I type in “marketing” in the YouTube search bar, I find “marketing strategies”, “marketing strategies for small busi…

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5 Benefits of Having a Website for Your Small Business

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Lauren Russell, Wild Spirit Development

There are many benefits to consider when it comes to having a website for your small business. A website can help you connect with more customers, increase sales, and improve your online visibility. If you're not sure if a website is right for your small business, here are some reasons to consider:1. A website gives your business a professional presence online.When you have a website for your small business, it gives you a professional presence online. This is important because it helps to legitimize your business and make it look more credible to potential customers. A study by BIA/Kelsey indicated that 97% of consumers will research a business online before purchasing or inquiring for more information. If a consumer isn't finding you during their searches, it's safe to conclude that you're losing busine…

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Hearing and Seeing Your Destiny

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Denise Harris, Resonant Living

I read an autobiography of Annie Sullivan. She was the woman who brought Helen Keller out of her dark and silent world and into a place of understanding few of us in the hearing and seeing world fully grasp. I decided I wanted to become a teacher for people like Helen. I wanted to bring wisdom and lightness into people's lives.

What did you want to do as a child? Remember how it felt to fully believe that you could be an astronaut, the President or Prime Minister, an Academy Award winning Actress, an Olympian?

Helen Keller made this suggestion to people as they worked towards making their goals real, and I would like to add a variation to her theme. "It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we t…

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What is a Life Coach?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Heidi Puppo, A Beautiful New Life

What is a Life Coach?A Life Coach is someone who is going to help you figure out what it is you want exactly and how you can achieve your goals. They assist you in drawing out the map of what your ideal life looks like while helping to plant the seeds of positivity at each milestone along the way. Think of life coaching as a positive reinforcement or a cheerleader on the sidelines of your big game. They listen to your full story, without direct judgement, help you define your story (both past and present), work with you to heal through your roadblocks along the way and explore any resistance that may come up. Also known as Life Strategists, they help you with a plan to move forward and achieve your goals, no matter how large or small they may seem to you. A life coach gives you an outsider perspective on each facet of your life, walking y…

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The Key To Success: Great Sleep

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Adele Spurgin, Team-eq

The Uber Important Sleep Cycle, for many, gets mucked about when they get really stressed out.

Ask anyone who religiously wakes up between 2-3am, just how much stress is currently in their life, and you will be astounded by the answers you get. (BTW that 2-3am is an overburdened liver thing.)

If you don’t sleep well, managing conflict & relationships within the gets a whole lot more trickier. In fact life gets a whole lot more stickier than it needs to be. It is like the perfect storm really.

Stress >> affects sleep >> lack of sleep affects relationships (and potential conflict). Consistent conflict >> stress. And around and round it goes.

So, what’s your ideal happy sleep number. And what is your current sleep number that you are hitting consistently at night time?Let's take a look at th…

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How Can A Newsletter Help Your Business?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Elizabeth Ruth, ER Marketing Services

If you're not sending your business email list newsletters or emails at some sort of regular interval, you're missing the opportunity to connect with them.

Newsletters and emails are a creative way for your business to reach out to a warm audience of fans who have self-identified that they want to hear from you.

They are also the most likely form of communication that your clients won’t miss. Unless it ends up in their spam folder – but let’s not go there…

Please note: in this article, I use the terms newsletter and email interchangeable.

Why Should I Send A Business Newsletter?Believe it or not, your customers don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your business. By sending out emails, this reminds your customers that you are in business and, when they’re considering buying a service or produ…

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Assertiveness or Get Your Time Wasted!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Aya Egbuho, Icon Life Coaching LLC

Yesterday we talked about the opportunity costs for mismanaged time. And I encouraged you to quantify your earning potential so you can see how much wasted time is costing you.

Today I want to talk to you about the assertiveness you must adopt to enforce your own time boundaries.

Why is this important?

Just because you have had an epiphany about curating your time better, doesn’t mean everyone else got the memo.

Let me say it again- Nobody else got the memo.

So they will still be calling you, texting you, expecting immediate replies, dropping by unannounced, asking you to stop whatever you’re doing to help them now!

It’s almost like waging war to get other people to respect your time.

And if you’re not careful, you are welcoming all these distractions, interruptions, a…

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Intuitive Leadership®

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Terry Wildemann, Intuitive Leadership®

Listening to Your Wise Inner Guidance System During Challenging Times

How often have you ignored your wise inner guidance system, those intuitive hits that guide us in a different direction, and lived to regret it? All of us have intuitive inner wisdom, an inner genius that when honored, can create so many wonderful experiences in our lives. Our intuition shares pearls of wisdom, and when we listen carefully, what we need to know and do becomes clear. The key is to trust and believe in the message and yourself.

Unfortunately, with so much stress today because of the world shutting down and taking a NAP (nurture, appreciate, pause) due to the coronavirus situation, it’s easier to follow others, their opinions and actions instead of listening to the intuitive message coming from within. Listening to our inner guidan…

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