This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Adele Spurgin, Team-eq
The Uber Important Sleep Cycle, for many, gets mucked about when they get really stressed out.
Ask anyone who religiously wakes up between 2-3am, just how much stress is currently in their life, and you will be astounded by the answers you get. (BTW that 2-3am is an overburdened liver thing.)
If you don’t sleep well, managing conflict & relationships within the gets a whole lot more trickier. In fact life gets a whole lot more stickier than it needs to be. It is like the perfect storm really.
Stress >> affects sleep >> lack of sleep affects relationships (and potential conflict). Consistent conflict >> stress. And around and round it goes.
So, what’s your ideal happy sleep number. And what is your current sleep number that you are hitting consistently at night time?Let's take a look at th…