How to Segment Your Lists For Different Audiences

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Melissa Pruitt, Online Marketing Podcast

Don't list build without setting this up first.

You gotta get some things in order first, before you even start the list building.

The number one mistake is having one list for everything.

So treating all of the leads that you have as the exact same person with the exact same experience.

Now I think this is pretty common. We did the same thing. I remember even when we built up that huge email list. It was one list. We had all kinds of promotions, lead magnets, real-world online, offline, you know, all kinds of things.

And everybody was dumped into this one huge list.

Now what's the problem with doing that though?

When you have everyone on one big list, then you can't really determine what they came in for what they're interested in. You can't really have an idea …

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What is a Coaching Package Template?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Christine Hansen, Christine Means Business

A coaching package template is a blueprint you can use to fill in the details of your branded coaching package that presents an overview of the content and offers the material in different coaching package pricing options. The template is used to define your coaching packages to make a clear offer to potential clients. Following a template will allow you to hash out exactly what you offer and what the client can expect, serve as a marketing tool for your brand, show your authority and bring value to your coaching package.

Why do I need a coaching package template?It is important to follow a coaching package template so that you can be sure to incorporate all the benefits and results your coaching package promises and so that it is easy for your potential clients to…

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How To Troubleshoot Employee or Team Behavior

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sarah Nicole Nadler, Sarah Nicole Nadler LLC

A very common confession I hear when I analyze businesses is that the owner or manager isn’t good with confrontation and lets things slide when they shouldn’t.

When the executive backs away from enforcing the rules and protocols, they lose respect from the staff, particularly those staff who work hard and take offense at others who slack off.

I hired my first employee before my 16th birthday. Being a business owner or mentor my entire adult life, I can safely say this issue of troubleshooting behavior is the biggest headache of most 6- and 7-figure businesses.

The reason this happens is the executive has few or no tools for troubleshooting the employee or team member's behavior...and they quickly run out of said tools!

Identifying The ProblemFirst, let’s identify the types of conversation…

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It’s OK to be single…

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sarai Tave, Moonlight Devi

What does it mean to be single in today's world...?

It seems that in today's world dating has become this impossible game to win. As much as we try, we always end up 'losing' the big game. So we get to the point that we start to question if there is something wrong with us. Are we too picky or should we just settle?

I am here to tell you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. I truly believe there is nothing wrong with knowing what you want and need in your life. A life partner should be able to add on to your already established peace and happiness, not be your entire peace and happiness. When I say that to a group of singles, I always get the ones that completely agree, and then there are those that look at me like I am crazy. To the ones that look at me like I am crazy, let me explain...

The common deno…

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8 Common Reasons Why You’re On Bad Terms With Your Biz (and how to shift it quickly and easily)

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys The #1 Training School For Akashic Records

Many of the entrepreneurs that I meet are really great at what they do and how they offer it, but have yet to learn the “how” of being an entrepreneur and allowing it to be their lifestyle.Here are the top 8 pitfalls that I consistently see for would-be successful entrepreneurs:1. They are NOT clear on their vision .Losing sight of this creates a disconnect from why they began their business in the first place and makes the mundane tasks, seem even more meaningless when there is no clear vision about how their business is going to serve them and others.Tip: Create your 5 year vision of where you and your business are going to be, (be as specific as you can, and most importantly, have fun with it)!2. They are NOT clear on their message.When there is lack of clarity in th…

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Brain Bogged Down? Give It a Good Sweep With This Simple Practice

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Liz Landeen, Liz Landeen

Having a lot of ideas is a good thing! But it doesn’t always feel like it…Okay, so set your timer and get ready for one tip I have that will really move you from mental clutter to massive clarity - and do it in a way that doesn’t feel like a hustle or a grind. It's to do what I call a mind sweep.

Most people have lots and lots of ideas- but they just don’t know where to put them! I call this entrepreneurial brain and I think it’s a beautiful, beautiful thing- it can just feel overwhelming. It makes us feel scattered but, at the end of the day, it’s something really wonderful. We just need to embrace it instead of trying to run away or contain it.

The mind is for having ideas- not holding them. Many times I think we like to keep all these thoughts just in our brain. What happens when we do that? We start to feel kind of bogged d…

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5 Simple Strategies for Landing High-Ticket Clients as a Coach

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Scarlet Vincent, Soul Aligned Women Pte Ltd

As the online coaching industry becomes more saturated, it might start to feel like a challenge to stand out as an influential leader in your area of expertise. While most coaches charge an average market rate by the hour or monthly package, you wonder what it’s like to attract high-ticket clients consistently so that you can build a thriving coaching business without burnout.You have the qualifications, the experience, and the testimonials of clients who are living proof of the transformation that you have been able to guide them through. However, you know that charging by the hour means that there are going to be certain limitations when it comes to scaling your coaching practice. There’s only a certain number of hours you can commit a day before you get fully booked and having more clients means co…

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The FAST Pass to Launching Your Magical Business by Dianne Shelton of @PassionBreakthrough

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Dianne Shelton, Passion Breakthrough

Walt Disney once said:"If you can dream it, you can do it."

As a kid growing up, we had a CD-ROM where you could pretend that you were in Magic Kingdom & check out the rides. This was before the fancy mobile app was available & I would go on the computer for hours to map out my "day at Disney"!

When I brought my family to Disney for the 1st time, we were blessed & had the chance to do our real life planning. With the help of the handy dandy FAST Pass, we maxed out our enjoyment! If we didn't plan it right, we probably wouldn't have had seen as much as we did.

So Mr. Walt was right... with one caveat: Dream it, (plan it), do it!I had always dreamed about owning my own business & making a difference using my superpowers to help more peeps!

That was the dream & after creating a r…

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Manifesting Magic

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys

I imagine we have all heard every version of the what the phrase manifesting entails. Some of us think of the law of attraction while others conjure up scenarios that may include mantras, sacred rituals, or tapping into the wisdom of our spiritual guides.

It sure can become easy to allow ourselves to get overwhelmed with the idea that we must manifest correctly or that there’s a right was to use our powers of manifestation. In the end, holding fast to these sorts of expectations only add to our frustration and sets ourselves up for failure. We often mistakenly become our own self-fulfilling prophecy!

I encourage you to release yourself from such pressures. By doing this, you create space to allow in the energy of possibility, inherent self-worth, and gloriously succulent abundance to flow in.

Remember that, th…

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5 Ways Vision Boards Help You Reach Your Goals

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jamie McCall, Manifest With Jamie

Do you set goals for yourself, either in your personal life or for your business? If not, how do you know you’re growing or making progress? When was the last time you allowed yourself to daydream about the type of life you want? What is your WHY, the reason behind all the long hours you spend on your business?

Creating a vision board has become a popular activity in recent years, especially as the New Year approaches and people think about the past year and the New Year’s resolutions they want to keep. A vision board is simply one tool that helps you visualize your dreams and your goals. How so, you ask? Let’s explore the ways…

1. Vision boards make you focus on what’s important to you. Whether you combine a personal vision board with a professional one or keep them both separate, thinking about what you want in life …

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