How to Live Fabulously!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Lauren Hopper, Living Fabulously

We all want to live fabulously, but what does that even mean really? For some of us it means having a shiny new car. For others, it means having that beautiful 4 bedroom house with granite kitchen counters. For some, it might mean travelling to new and exotic destinations. There is no one exact way to live fabulously, but I would like to share what I think fabulous living is.

I started my VA company, Living Fabulously with Lauren, because the idea of working 40 hours a week for someone else’s dream didn’t sit right with me. At only 19, I knew I wanted to be in charge of my life. I wanted to be the CEO of my life, and to make empowered decisions. Becoming a VA gave me the opportunity to decide.

I decide who I work with. I decide how much money I make. I decide what I do with my time.

My decision to become a vir…

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Is Squarespace better than WordPress?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Taylor D. Lewis, Taylor D. Lewis

In a world where digitalization is taking over, you can’t afford to be left out. Therefore, it is crucial to have a good website. Otherwise, you might find it quite challenging to scale your business. But it is not as simple as it sounds. A lot goes into building a user-friendly website. More so, the platform for creating the website determines whether you will get the desired results or not. You might want to ask: “Is Squarespace better than WordPress?”

Apparently, WordPress and Squarespace are popular in the web development circle. The two platforms are joggling for dominance. However, there is a better option between them. If you are a professional web designer or looking to develop your website, this article will guide you in making the right choice. But before we get started, you should know more about Squarespace and WordPr…

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3 Quick & Easy Steps to Start Documenting SOPs When You’re Stuck in the Day-to-Day

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tarena Muhammad, Legion

You hired your team because your business grew too big for you to handle all the things on your own (a fabulous challenge to have, btw). But I get it – even with support, you still have issues letting things go .. we all do.

Every business will experience growing pains. And while your team might be amazing at what they do, they can’t read your mind when it comes to bringing your big vision to life. That’s why it’s absolutely critical that you bring your vision and expectations to your team in a comprehensive way, so that you can delegate with confidence.

In order for your business to grow and thrive, while still maintaining the quality service that surpasses your client’s expectations, every member on your team needs fully documented processes and standardized training. 

I’m often asked what’s the best way to …

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5 Reasons the Hours You Spend Working on Your Business Is Killing It

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Mackenzie Thomas, Cascade Virtual

So you have a product or service you want to exciting!

You've gotten the word out, made your first sale and are finding out that the amount of time you are putting into running your business (i.e. scheduling meetings, client follow up, requesting reviews and any form of marketing and website updates) is what you are spending most of your day on.

In fact, you're spending so much of your day on it that you are finding the time you have to dedicate to the reason you went into business in the first place is far and few between.

As a result, of the clients/customers you are able to attract the product/service originally intended is still in its prototype phase rather than you becoming the expert in your field you know you can be. The opportunity for great reviews gets farther and few between and eventu…

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Does a Work Life Balance even exist?

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Sinead Acevedo, Her Voice Hub

Are you able to create boundaries at home?Or you avoid them to keep some peace?

But now you  feel burnt out from work yet still don’t see the results?

You may feel like more time or money would solve the problems, but let me assure you – what you have right now is ENOUGH.You can fuel your success right now by eliminating the fear and regaining focus on what’s important , and of course start setting boundaries. 

Easier said than done, especially as a mum.

What’s stopping you from starting?

It’s easy to forget ourselves and think we aren’t “worth” time out…Here are possible ideas of what could be stopping you :

Fear of mistakesFear of looking stupidLack of directionLack of vision and purpose

No matter where you are in your journey, these little devils can sneak in and make you believe y…

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4 Ways to Postpone your Procrastination

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Bria Blount, Acknowledge Self-Awareness Life Coaching

We’ve all done it at some time or other. We put off our exercise routine until tomorrow; we continually delay finishing that project or starting that business.

Procrastination is the mother of all demons and can literally stop you in your tracks from achieving all that you desire.

Here are 5 effective processes you can use to slay this giant.

1. Do it now

Hold your breath and jump right in! Putting things off until the last minute is a bad habit and like all habits is ingrained in our subconscious mind and hard to break. It feels like the normal thing to do and we simply continue along our path. To complete a task immediately may even feel strange or like a forced action.

2. Take baby steps

Sometimes we procrastinate because the task may be intimidating to us.…

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Happy Your Way To Money

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Iresha Tschunke, Wealthy Entrepreneurs' Academy

Twas raining outside, and I looked outside the window from my home office, to watch the water drops, which some of them were already turning into ice. The typical Autumn weather in Germany. I saw our maid haven't had the chance to finish cleaning the pile of leaves she had made from the endless leaves that are falling from the trees in our garden, and I see her standing on our front port, with an angry face towards the sky.I started pondering about my life. What an amazing life I have. A note of happiness burst into the surface, with a taste of victory, accomplishment and pride in myself. A wave of love started pouring out of my heart, with a feeling of being loved, supported, and being always connected to an unlimited supply. There is never a shortage of money, in fact, I hardly ever think of mon…

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8 Ways to Embody Financial Freedom

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys

To really bring it into your body.This episode is a financial freedom boost. Jennifer discusses the 8 ways to embody financial freedom—to really bring abundance into your body and experience. The more we work through the issues on our money tissues, the more we evolve.1. Radiate gratitudeThings stick around when we’re grateful for them.Radiate gratitude into the future.The quickest way to speed up over manifestation is to be grateful for things that haven’t come together yet.2. We need to be giving (tithing)It needs to feel authentic.3. Radiate abundanceCelebrate abundance in others.Consider yourself as rich before you already are.4. Surround myself with financially free peopleBooks, podcasts, YouTube, private golf courses, etc.Make sure they have the same ethics as you.Build relationships and meet people who ar…

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How to set exciting business goals and smash them!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Reethu George, ClarityBrew

When you have a lot of responsibilities on the personal front, it can be tempting to use whatever little time that you have for yourself to unwind. This is where goal setting comes in. Knowing exactly what you need to work on in the business front and setting goals, will help you find structure and focus. Unless you know where it you are headed, you are not going to know how to get there. Having this clear direction, will motivate to push harder.Let’s get started.

STEP 1: Consider what you want to achieve in your business.

Think about what you want to achieve in the next say 1 or 2 years of your business. You can choose a timeline that works for you. While you might be tempted to set a whole lot of goals for yourself, initially try to limit them to a few important goals that you want to start with. This will help prevent you from fe…

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How To Create And Sell Digital Products 2022

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Martina Coke, Systems with Tina

Hey, everyone, it’s your passive income goddess and I just want to pop in because it’s 2022, and a lot of business owners struggling to put together offers that make sales, so this blog post is dedicated to helping you create digital products and actually to sell them to make passive income passive income. 

If you’re a coach or service-based business and you want to make passive income with your gifts. This blog post is for you, or if you’re a blogger this is for you as well.

What is passive income?

 Passive income is a product or service that you can create and don’t have to be visibly active in that business to generate income, an example of that is digital products.

 I do recommend service-based businesses and coaches to create digital products as a way to create passive income, because not…

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