What is a SOM?

You may have seen the term "SOM" on posts in our Women Helping Women Entrepreneurs Facebook group with over 550,000 members and wonder "What is a SOM'?

SOM stands for Stand Out Online Member. Stand Out Online Members have the exclusive privilege of posting one promotional post and going Live once a week in our Facebook Community in front of over half a million female entrepreneurs. They add "SOM" to their posts so that other members know they have special permission to share a promotional post.

Our Stand Out Online Members often have posts that go viral with thousands of comments, likes, and reactions. Many have turned these posts and lives into tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

We even have SOM members who have made millions from posting in the Women Helping Women Entrepreneurs Facebook group.

Do you want to learn how to become a SOM member? You can find out more here.

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Don’t let your scars end your story

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Opal Meeks, Pivot Beauty Wins

“But you’re the only parent I have left mommy,” my daughter cried. “Why do I have to move to Texas to be adopted by uncle Prince and Aunty Stacy?” My heart broke. I wanted to be strong for both of us but tears trickled down my face as I tried to find my voice. We’ve lived in this shelter for five long years Jada. The only thing I want more than anything else is for you to have a better future than this one.”

As we continued to converse in tears, I remembered the gloomy Monday afternoon when I told her that her father had been shot and killed. We’d made a promise that we would keep on going and that we’d never give up.

That night; sadness, guilt and disappointment were relentless. I cried so hard I had to squeeze my pillow tightly over my mouth to keep the sound from escaping. I didn’t know what else to do. I’d been trying …

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Time Management : Use Your Time Wisely As You Don’t Get It Back

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tracey Hall, Ethical Direct Sellers Association

Time management is kind of a misnome.

You can’t manage time

You can’t control time

No matter what you do it marches on and on ever relentless and never stopping.

You can’t manage time but you can manage how you use time.

The purpose of this article is to share with you ways that can help you better manage how you use your time.

These tips may help you get more out of your day and, as such, get more out of your life.

Set goals and then prioritise them.

If you don’t have your own goals you’ll end up wasting your time achieving other people’s goals for them.

You should set your own goals and then prioritise them according to those you find more important.

Once you’ve decided on what’s most important you can concentrate on doing t…

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Create your Brand Kit in 3 Simple Steps!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kristy Carruthers, SHEcorporated

What is your brand identity?

Your brand identity generally encompasses the visual aspects of your brand that identify it and distinguish it from others in your market. This can include many things, but almost always includes colors, fonts and logos.

The sky is the limit to what you can include in your brand identity, but to keep things simple, and keep you moving forward, we are going to focus on the basics. Three simple steps to creating your brand identity.

Step One - Create Your Logo

Your logo is like the dating profile picture for your brand. People will make assumptions about your brand within seconds of seeing your logo, so it's important to really get it right. There are some key points to keep in mind when designing your logo.

1. Shape

The shape of your logo plays a big role in h…

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6 Things You Need to Know About Your Purpose

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys

Are you living a life that want to get out of bed for? Or do you find yourself relying on the snooze button, hitting it in an effort to temporarily postpone the tasks (THE LIFE) ahead of you?

Okay, look, not every day is going to be a winner. Some days are just plain, outright doozies!

But if you are tapping the snooze button more than you are tapping into your WAKE UP button (your heart space), then maybe you are in need of a Purpose Realignment.

Gorgeous soul, its time to recalibrate. Reenergize. Reeva luate. And RECOMMIT to yourself and your purpose.

But first, lets go over a few simple facts about Purpose…

#1 Purpose ElectrifiesPurpose doesn’t have to be an overwhelming or illusive word. After all, like clarity, its truly about a state of being. Purpose is what gets your blood pumping, …

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Essential Steps To Get High Paying Clients As A Health Coach

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Yulia Tarbath, Yulia Tarbath Coaching

If you want to grow your coaching program and get paid clients, there are certain steps you need to focus on.

If you want to grow your coaching program and get paid clients, there are certain steps you need to focus on.

With everything going on in the world, the health coaching niche is growing and it will continue to grow.

So it’s a great opportunity for you to establish your online health coaching business, make big impact, and also make money online.

The problem is that if you’re a total beginner coach looking to start a health coaching business and grow it to $5K or $10K months, it can be confusing and overwhelming.

There are endless ways to start a health coaching business and unfortunately most health coaching tips you’ll find out there show you a very long and complicated way of…

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The Top 5 Questions To Ask For Soul-level Wealth

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Jennifer Longmore, Soul Journeys

No matter how spiritual we think ourselves to be, we can always fall into the trap of analysis paralysis, perfection paralysis, indecision, and more. Money decisions seem to compound this time's infinity!It certainly feels much easier when we feel an absolute YES!!! to any decision we make that involves money, especially when it involves living an aligned path that includes the and better each and every time.So, here are the top FIVE questions that allow you to choose soul-level wealth:1. Do I feel lighter when I think about creating/accepting/choosing [___________]?When something feels light, that’s our soul’s way of saying this is aligned for you!2. Do I feel expansive and/or more energized when I think about creating/accepting/choosing [__________]?When we feel increased energy and/or expansion, again it’s our soul's way of letting us k…

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6 Reasons Why SMART Goal Setting Does Not Work for Female Entrepreneurs

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tineke Rensen, Powerful Business Academy

Do you have a list of business goals? If you’re a female entrepreneur determined to be successful in business, I’m sure you do. You might even think of yourself as “goal-driven,” too. You understand how important setting goals is to stay focused, dedicated, and enthusiastic in achieving positive results.

The process of goal setting, however, is not just about thinking of what goals you want to achieve. The real question is, how effective are you in setting the right kind of goals?

This is why many people use SMART goal setting when they want a strategic method of planning and laying out milestones to further their business. When you use this method, you set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant and Time-Bound. It basically helps you …

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Run It Like A Business From The Start

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kristy Carruthers, SHEcorporated

Systems aren't sexy (at all).

Yes I said it. Systems aren't sexy, but they will save you hours of frustration and tons of headaches - and that IS sexy.

From day one (or right now ) you need to get some basic systems in place to make your life easier.

Once you've made the decision to start your business, begin by keeping your receipts, tracking your expenses and coming up with the organizational system you need to run your type of business.

It's so much easier to keep it all separate and organized from the start, than to try to backtrack later, when you are knee deep running your newly launched business.

Systems you need in place now:

Receipt tracking:

That may be a shoe box where you throw all your receipts so you don't lose them (my personal system ) or a spreadsheet, o…

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Ramona Pintea, Ramona Pintea Art

Hello gorgeous! Wherever you are in the world, I hope you are safe and well as the seasons slowly change and the fun and festivities of Christmas draw near. Yes, Christmas! Can you believe it’s only a few short weeks away?!

With Thanksgiving and Christmas on the horizon, this is a wonderful time of year to reflect on what it means to give. All through the year, we are constantly giving our energy to others. We might be looking after family, working hard with colleagues, supporting our friends or just simply helping a neighbour with her groceries.

As I paint each beautiful Urban Queen, I paint the strength, compassion and generosity of the everyday women who inspire me. I SEE what you ladies give! And I pour all that loving, giving goodness into every painting I create. I believe the gift of our time and energy is so val…

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