5 Simple Things To Do In Network Marketing

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tracey Hall, Ethical Direct Sellers Association

Is your warm market the best place to start for your Network Marketing business?

In Network Marketing we are told to do a list, think of who is in our warm market that we can talk to blah blah blah, I call bullshit on this.

YES, I know I am just poo pooing advice given by so many leaders but guess what in this day and age people are very savvy and remember there is Dr Google too.

My disclaimer is I have done this too, I have gotten the list out but it didn’t resonate with me at all.

Time to shake it all up in Network Marketing

That is why I am saying it now, it is time to try something different to get quality or qualified team or customers.

It has always been my motto to “Don’t Quit”, however something keeps popping up all the time and I wanted to share with you Wo…

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Top 3 Ways to Qualify Strategic Partners

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kelly O'Neil, Innovate Media Services

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” I could not agree more.

Strategic partnerships are absolutely vital to usher your business into the next echelon. It’s important to remember, though, if your businesses aren’t a good match, partnering can end up being a colossal waste of time and energy, so it needs to fit like a glove.

You may be asking yourself, “how do I vet potential strategic partners to ensure they are worthy of working with?”

I’ve spent years functioning as a “matchmaker” for business, facilitating introductions, networking, and providing referrals. What I’ve learned is that there are three crucial qualifications that, if met, will ensure a fruitful 2-way partnership.

1. Values– Like any good relationship, va…

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Day 7 Of The Series Let It Go, De Clutter

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Lorelei Torino, Be You Transform

CONGRATULATIONS! Well, if you are reading this you've either been following along the blog or you've manifested that you need to de clutter (joking).

Here at Be You Transform we love to add a little humor where we can. Life is already a mess sometimes. It's not always easy to pick up clutter, wish it well ( Marie Kondo says to kiss it and let it go, donate it) and donate it, keep it or if it ready for the trash then dump it.

So here is the guide, download or print it

Let Go of Clutter.pdfDownload PDF • 9.99MB

You can access quick tips in the 7 day series and read thru the guide. I am confident you will find your breakthrough here. And when you do, please share how the blog and the guide helped you.

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How To Reach Your Full Potential

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Janice Martin, Your Small Business Podcast

What if the answer to your dreams is all in your mind? What if you hold the key that will open doors for you to reach your full potential and achieve immense success?

People often think they have no control over their potential. Some think you have to work yourself in a tizzy to achieve their true potential. You do have to have some action involved to achieve this. A store won’t open itself. A book won’t write itself. You get my drift. Action is only about 20% of the equation.Do you tell yourself statements like this:

I don’t want to do this.

I am not feeling this.

I will fail.

Or any negative statements such as these? How do you feel just reading those words? It causes you to give up on yourself and not even try to attempt to make the changes you want in your life. It stops you d…

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The Magic Of Figuring Things Out

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Engracia Sleeswijk, ESleeswijk Consultancy

Life is about layers. The mining of these layers requires a certain depth that is not revealed from the surface. The degree to which a person has the willingness to delve into these layers will be seen (or experienced) in the force in which he manifests himself under crisis. If you are someone who likes to quote others, you may find yourself using wise words that are not necessarily reflected in your professional life. Copying someone else's style might be a way to get structure, but gaining your own depth can only be achieved when you are willing to study (life). It is time to reset and figure things out.

It is not strange that we happen to live a superficial life; We live in a time where an entire generation has grown up with seeing life within a context of 160 characters. Try sending an in-depth Tweet in 160 characte…

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How to Sell Your High Ticket Offers – Without Spending a Dime

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Kristen Miller, Kristen Miller Marketing

Hi, I’m Kristen Miller, a Sales Funnel Strategist, Digital Product Creator, and Online Business Coach.

In 2016, I was a professional blogger making a whopping $100 a month. (Yes, you read that right. Just two zeros). That’s when I realized that even a great blog isn’t profitable without digital products.

Pretty soon, I was living the dream: selling my high ticket program to a hungry mob of followers - without spending a dime. 

Blogging was finally profitable because I figured out how to use it as the vehicle to drive my ideal clients to my high ticket programs! 

And you can too… 

How to get free leads for your high-ticket programs

You have to know where you want your leads to end up, so start by mapping out your high ticket program or done-for-you service. Cou…

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Top 5 Spa Trends for 2021

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Muirgheal Montecalvo, Vacayou Wellness Travel

For decades, millions have enjoyed spa therapies as a means to rejuvenation and restoration. For those looking to go beyond the traditional spa escape, there are several new spa trends that offer guests exceptional ways to explore holistic health.

The following represents some of the most intriguing spa offerings around today. 

1. Forest Bathing

For some spa and wellness centers, a focus on mindfulness and one’s surroundings plays a central role.

Forest bathing, which originated in Japan, represents an immersive experience in wooded nature designed to enhance health.

Notably, this spa trend is believed to enhance energy and mood through meditation experiences. And at the same time, it also promotes greater environmental awareness about earth’s ecosystems. 

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How Female Entrepreneurs Can Find The Right Client

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Tineke Rensen, Powerful Business Academy

How Female Entrepreneurs Can Find The Right Client

Nowadays, everyone wants to start a business. Owning a business gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. You are your boss. Who wouldn’t want that?

Starting a business is no big deal. All you need is an idea. But maintaining and growing a business can be difficult. You have to face many hurdles and difficulties in your path to success.

One of the biggest problems that most business owners struggle with is finding the right client. It is even more difficult to deal with if you are a female entrepreneur.

Why Do Many Female Entrepreneurs Stick With The Wrong Clients For Too Long

The first step to a successful business is finding the right clients. But to find the right one, you need to let go of the wrong one first. Many femal…

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Why Your Job Is Keeping You Broke!

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Reverend Rita M. Henderson, Five Fold Publishing LLC

Today I want to talk to you about why your job is keeping you broke. Yes, I said it and I know you might have a job you might even have a good job. But the fact of the matter is that 78% of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck, you guys, that’s almost 80% of the population, living these paycheck to paycheck situations.

What does it mean to live paycheck to paycheck, that means that you are maintaining a lifestyle where you’re not able to save any money and if you didn’t receive your next paycheck, with emphasis on NEXT that you will begin to incur some significant financial stress.

Significant financial stress means shut offs and eviction notices may begin to show up, utilities getting disconnected, and there is even a great possibility that the car is goi…

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The Difference Between Marketing And Branding

This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Alisha Beck, Alli Beck Design

Anyone who has been in business for any amount of time knows it isn’t enough to simply file for an LLC and open your doors.

Somehow, you have to get people in those doors.

I’m sure you have heard once or twice that you need a strong brand. You might have also heard, you need to market your business.

But what is the difference between branding and marketing?

Which one is more important?

There are some key differences between marketing and branding, and understanding that difference can help your business not only grow faster, but in ways that help it become more rewarding for you.

Here are a few ways that branding and marketing differ:

Branding is why and marketing is how.

Branding is the essence of your business. It is what makes you different and why you exist. I…

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