Holistic Life Purpose Coaching is committed to helping Christian women gain the resources, support, mentorship and guidance to step confidently into their power and purpose, share their message and build the foundations of their kingdom business so they can make IMPACT & INCOME.

We work with you to start and launch your business grounded in faith. We help you develop your business plan, clarify your niche and messaging, create your offers and pricing, create your content and marketing, work on mindset blocks, cultivate organization and habits for success and so much more.

Because we believe that we need alot more CHRIST-CENTERED KINGDOM- MINDED entrepreneurs in the marketplace especially now as the world is experiencing a major shift.

We offer 1:1 and group coaching and a brand new course. The Purpose Biz Accelerator is our most popular and best for new, aspiring and startup businesses. (coaches, consultants and service-based providers)

Book a FREE Breakthrough call today to get started. https://calendly.com/oanike30/30-min-session


Onyinye C. Anike


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