This blog post has been authored by Jessica Krewson, DESIGNKREW
I am here to tell you that you don’t need to do every marketing strategy you’ve ever seen or heard and you don’t need to throw in the towel the moment you hit a road block.
If you (or your team) do what I have laid out here consistently for 90-days, you will see traction, impact, and the BUSINESS MAGIC will happen,
I’ve created this to be VERY simple AND using my CODE potion (Create Once Distribute Everywhere).
I can’t wait to hear about your alchemical success.
Step 1: Block Writing Time
Start with writing 4 blogs. Block out 2 to 3 hours, sit down and do this all at once.
Step 2: Have a Clear Solution
Make each blog have a clear solution.
For example: 5 Tips to Move from Unmotivated to Totally Inspired in Under 10 Minutes
The formula here is: A set number of steps + where they are to where they want to be + the time frame in which it happens.
Stuck on Topics?
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to know what to write about:
– What are the questions you are asked by your clients most frequently?
– What are the questions you think your clients should be asking you, but don’t know that they don’t know?
– Where are your clients most stuck?
– What do you find yourself repeating over and over again when talking to clients?
– How did you get started doing what you’re doing in the first place?
– How have you applied your own advice and won? Share about this.
– How have your clients applied your advice and won? Share about this.
Step 3: Re-purpose for Social
Now take each blog and re-purpose the content to create social captions for the month.
Each tip in the blog becomes the meat of your 3 to 5 posts for each week.
Whhhat!? Yep your social for the month is done!
Take a key point from the blog. It could be one of the tips or a fact and add an intro to make the caption relevant to what is currently going on in the world or with you.
Post your static posts to your stories and anything inspiring, fun,
or business specific for that day.
(I recommend the app LATER to schedule your static posts in advance.)
Step 4: Re-purpose Your Social for Value Add Weekly Emails
Your ideal clients need 7 to 10 impressions of your content before they take action.
Do not be afraid of re-purposing content.
Even if they saw it on a social post they likely don’t remember the full message or seeing it again is very helpful. You can take your top 4 social posts from the previous month. The LATER app will give you analytics on top performing posts.
“Engagement” is the variable you want to focus on most. Look to see which posts had the highest percentage of engagement.
This will also tell you what your audience likes to read about and you can shape future content based on your top performing posts.
Let the data tell you what to do rather than guessing!
Steps to turning top posts into a value add email:
Go into your social posting app from the previous month and see which 4 posts had the most engagement.
Edit the content accordingly, add an intro that is relevant to you, current events, and to your business, and add a tip they can execute right away if the caption doesn’t already have one.
Schedule the emails to go out on a weekly basis on the same day at the same time.
Enjoy making your content for the month!! If you want even more tips download the FREE 7 Brand Elixirs: A Simple Step-By-Step Concoction To Set Up Your Monthly Branded Content In Just One Day here:
Jessica Krewson, is the owner and CEO of DESIGNKREW, Inc, a bespoke design and digital marketing agency in Los Angeles, CA whose mission is to bring powerful personal brands into tangible, beautiful, profitable reality.
For over 14 years, Jessica and her team has taken the vision and dreams of powerful, feminine entrepreneurs and developed strong, aligned, beautiful personal brands, websites, and sales funnels that attract ideal clients to her clients in droves.
She believes that successful marketing is a mix between data and intuition, science and magic. Creating an alchemy that lights you AND your audience on FIRE.