This blog post has been authored by Mahani Zubedy, Story Heart School
This is your customer brain when you tell her about your product or service. The language part of her brain is activated. This is your customer’s brain when you tell her about your product or service in a story.
The language comprehension part of her brain is activated. Depending on the story, some or all of the blue sensory areas light up. Your customer “sees” and “hears” with you.
She co-creates the story. Something else happens–-your customer feels! She invests in your story, she creates memories of when she was in a similar situation. She may or may not remember what you said, but she will remember how you made her feel.
She forms an emotional connection with you. You have touched her heart and mind. Storytelling is a branding/marketing/business tool.
Especially today in the time of COVID when we social distance and are craving for connection. Weave stories into your marketing and connect and touch your customers, and grow your business.
In my 12 years in advertising in O&M, J Walter Thompson, McCann Erickson, and agencies helping small business owners build a message that sticks, I learned that the most effective marketing starts with touching the heart. Stories touch hearts and minds more than any other form of communication. There is a pattern in stories, a cause and effect that our brains crave and our hearts embrace. Stories connect us — the connection attracts and transforms whether for a belief, idea, product, or service — I learned this leading StorySistas for 5 years, a community of women who support each other through stories. As a small business owner, I know how important marketing is today, and how overwhelming it is to clarify the solution that only you, can give your clients. I started Story Heart School to give women easy tools to uncover their stories and use their natural, true voice, to connect and touch their customers and grow their business.