This blog post has been authored by Seraphine Ruligirwa-Kamara, Institute of Ultimate Potential
There are those who make such little impact that in the event of their absence, there would be little to no need to replace them.
If we can intentionally structure and package the value that we bring to the world, it will not only recognize but also abundantly reward you for the value that you provide. On the other hand, if like most people, we fail to explain our value in succinct ways, we make it difficult for the world to know what to do with us. We risk being inconsequential statistics. If we are lucky, we simply get ignored so much that even if an organization keeps us, we are relegated to the back end of all the action and rewards that matter.
I’ve been on both sides of that divide. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to raise my value to others to the point where they would want to work with me and only me.
That, right there is what you want to do as a professional reaching for your goals. You want to ensure that your organization understands how you contribute to its mission. Coaches, for example work with you to build bridges from where you are to where you want to go. They provide the building blocks and steel bars to help you build your bridge. The bridge-building materials are standard principles. The secret to a solid bridge to your destination is to start by making the standard principles extremely you-centric. This high level of customization is exactly what makes you the unique calibre of professional that is a must-have for every organization. If this describes you, and you’re already are in good employment, rest assured that no one is letting you go anywhere in a hurry. They will promote you, pay you well, offer you comfortable perks to ensure that you are too expensive for their rivals to easily poach. If you’re an entrepreneur, there will be long queues for your service and even longer ones of those who would like to partner with you and work for you – even for free. If you’re not yet hired, any interviewer will make you an offer you cannot refuse before your competitors can roll out of bed and put together their resumes.
In case you are wondering why the world has not realized that you are one of the indispensable ones, you’re yet to build the bridge to get you there. If this sounds like it is for you, ask yourself if you have built the kind of bridge that gets you there as the professional that they cannot afford not to have on their team.
The world rarely takes time to go beyond first two or three layers of you as a professional. It needs to immediately spot your indispensability, failing which, it moves on to the next readily available option.
Roll up your sleeves and get down to the business of building your customized solid bridge. This is very rewarding work. It is the kind of work that takes an average worker into a conscientious, intuitive, engaged and enthusiastic professional – an unrivalled resource. It is the kind of work that takes a regular employee and transforms him into a self-motivated, goal-oriented achiever. It is the kind of work that takes a manager and transforms him into a driven, forward-thinking visionary leader who is sure to take the organization all the way to its ultimate market position.
Seraphine Ruligirwa-Kamara,
Executive Coach & Image Consultant
I help professionals and entrepreneurs go from stagnant to brilliant by coaching and packaging them for success.