This article has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Amber Behn, Amber Behn Coaching

These are some of the BIGGEST lies I’ve heard about losing weight…

“You have to cut out carbs if you want to lose weight”
“I can’t lose weight, it’s genetic”
“Once I’ve lost 20lbs, then I’ll feel good about myself”

Do any of these sound familiar?

Your weight loss journey hasn’t failed in the past because you didn’t restrict yourself enough.

And it’s not because you lack willpower, self-control or motivation.

Long term and sustainable weight loss happens when you prioritize feeling good about your journey, NOT when you make your journey so intense and ridged that the slightest change in routine has you “falling off the wagon.”

As women, we typically gain weight when we are stressed, overwhelmed or unhappy.

We gain weight when we feel unworthy, undervalued and undesirable.

So when negative thoughts and feelings translate into clothes that no longer fit and quickly losing our breath walking up the stairs, why would we ever commit ourselves to a weight loss journey that feeds on that same negative energy??

For many of us, the answer is the same- we simply haven’t been shown another way!

And that’s where I come in.

With over 20 years of weight loss experience, I have FINALLY found an approach that works:
sustainable and easy to fit in your busy schedule
consistent weight loss your can anticipate every week
and with LONG TERM results that will last for years!
So let’s take a look at those myths again and I’ll show you what I mean:

“You have to cut out carbs if you want to lose weight” 

Please don’t do this, and if you are currently trying to lose weight this way, consider this… Carbs are an essential nutrient that helps your body maintain proper organ function AND gives you energy. The exact same energy you need to maintain a consistent exercise routine.
Carbs, like all nutrients, should be properly balanced, but removing them entirely will encourage your body to maintain weight, sooner than it will help you lose it.

“I can’t lose weight, it’s genetic” 

There are definitely health related factors that can play a significant role in a person’s weight and their ability to lose it. However, this is not the case for 90% of us and for 100% of us, telling ourselves we can’t do something is the best way to ensure we won’t.
You are not a victim of your culture, upbringing or genetics. You are a powerful creator and manifester of your own future. Embrace it!

“Once I’ve lost 20lbs, then I’ll feel good about myself” 

This if/when version of happiness is probably the #1 tool the weight loss industry uses to suck you in and then make you feel like it’s your fault when it doesn’t work. STOP restricting your happiness to the future and START embodying the spirit and attitude of the version of you who has already achieved her goal!
By doing that, you automatically start acting like that version of you and you will support your successful journey wayyyy more than if you identify as someone who “hasn’t made it yet.”

So if you’re ready to ditch the old myths and try an approach that DOESN’T involve restrictive dieting, hours at the gym or sketchy supplements, visit to schedule a chat with me.

Just 30 min of your time and I will give you a roadmap to success that is so easy and effortless, your weight loss will feel weightless.

Until next time… be well, be weightless, be you!

From summer of 2022 to summer of 2023, Amber lost 70 pounds following a program that she’s further developed as the headliner of her coaching business. Your Weightless Journey offers a virtual program tailored to fit your schedule, focusing on body positivity and promoting healthy lifestyle changes.
Self-esteem issues can lead women to miss events and important dates, diminish their enjoyment of interests, and place increasingly challenging expectations on themselves, which can impact their well-being. Amber’s program is designed for women to shift from the negative—fear of failure, hatred of excess weight, and constant comparison—to a positive form of development.
Your Weightless Journey is natural weight loss that wants you to see success; confidence turns into repeatable action and hitting goals that you’ve set consistently because “You already are everything you want to be!”

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