This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Reverend Rita M. Henderson, Five Fold Publishing LLC
Today I want to talk to you about why your job is keeping you broke. Yes, I said it and I know you might have a job you might even have a good job. But the fact of the matter is that 78% of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck, you guys, that’s almost 80% of the population, living these paycheck to paycheck situations.
What does it mean to live paycheck to paycheck, that means that you are maintaining a lifestyle where you’re not able to save any money and if you didn’t receive your next paycheck, with emphasis on NEXT that you will begin to incur some significant financial stress.
Significant financial stress means shut offs and eviction notices may begin to show up, utilities getting disconnected, and there is even a great possibility that the car is going into repo. With almost eighty percent of Americans in just over broke situations it is no wonder financial stress is the leading cause of stress of Americans today its results are severe depression and anxiety. So now you broke and sick!
Listen… I got three thoughts on why your job is keeping you broke.
Number 1 — Your job is not your purpose!
God never said anything about a job.
In fact, in the Bible, the book of Job, the same letters are not pronounced the same. The letters j.o.b. are used to pronounce a man’s name. (There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. Job 1:1) Its pronounced Job, right! And if you didn’t know the book of Job is translated as the Book of Suffering. So when I think about a j.o.b. as in occupation I equate it with suffering, hence the slang just over broke.
Our ultimate purpose is to glorify God and this is the reason you were created. You were created to glorify God and you are to do that through your work. Faith without works is dead. Your work is to be fruitful and multiply to subdue the earth and have dominion. Your job is not your purpose!
Number 2 — You need cash every day!
Your cash flow needs to align with your lifestyle and you incur expenses every day. I know I incur expenses every day, don’t you? Therefore you need to have cash flow every day. However, most hourly workers are paid every two weeks, unless you’re one of the lucky ones that get paid every week. I know some salary workers that are paid once a month. You and I need cash flow every day because we incur expenses every day, right?
Number 3 — You fail to operate in and leverage your God given talents and your acquire skills.
Instead you give them away for free as if they have no value at. When I think about it The Parable of the Men with the Talents in Matthew chapter 25, verse 18, through 30 comes to mind. It tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and, before leaving, entrusted his property to his servants.
“According to the abilities of each man, one servant received five talents, the second had received two, and the third received only one. For those that went on to use their talents. They were given more talents and the one that didn’t use his talent but rather buried his talent in the sand, that talent was taken from that man and given to the man that had 5. The man that started out with five talents was faithful over the five. Therefore, God made him ruler over much and by the end of the story this man was given a total of 11 talents.”
God expects you to use those things in which he’s placed down on the inside of you, thus your God given gifts and talents, and when we you are faithful using them, then He will be faithful and give unto you more.
Your acquired skills are the things that you learned along the way. I’ve heard it said several times and I couldn’t agree more “Your job(s) were the internship into your purpose.”
So why not use all of those skills that you learned and acquired while on that j.o.b. (just over broke) and use them to glorify God?
Your purpose is the pathway to your prosperity and the sooner you begin operating and leveraging your God given talents and your acquired skill set the sooner you can stop suffering financially and get on the road to your prosperity.
Purpose + Positioning = Prosperity!
I would like to invite you to JOIN my private Facebook community Monetize Your Message with Reverend Rita @ bit.ly/purposetoprosper. where I help aspiring and emerging Christian entrepreneurs take their pain, passion and purpose and I teach them how to make impact, influence and income. I look forward to seeing you inside @ bit.ly/purposetoprosper.
Peace and ShalomReverend-Rita M. Henderson
I help aspiring Authors take their pain, passion and purpose and teach them how to make impact, influence and income by writing and self publishing their books.Follow
More from Reverend-Rita M. Henderson
I help aspiring Authors take their pain, passion and purpose and teach them how to make impact, influence and income by writing and self publishing their books.Oct 10, 2019
How to Leverage Your God-Given Talents and Increase Your Cash Flow

So many times, I see Christians robbing Peter to pay Paul. I heard a wealth coach once say, “It is time to take the ski mask off” and I couldn’t agree more.
Why can’t you have more money? Well, you can! Learning to monetize your God-given talents and acquired skill set will help increase your cash flow.
You were created to walk in purpose and in order to gain the prosperity that you desire, in order to truly live your best life, it requires for you to follow in the same steps.
Remember, purpose plus positioning equals prosperity. …
Prophetess Reverend Rita M. Henderson is a 3x best-selling author, speaker and self-publishing coach who helps Five-Fold Ministers plant the seeds of confidence, harvest their self-faith and clarify their life’s vision so that they
can birth businesses that serve, scale and succeed.
Known as The Spiritual Midwife, Rita has taught hundreds of ministers how to birth their purpose and monetize their God ordained
gifts by building successful faith-based businesses.
From coaching women on how launch membership communities to providing hopeful entrepreneurs with the foundational tools to build profitable businesses. Prophetess Rita continues to answer the call to assist fellow ministers in pursuing profit-generating, purpose-driven paths.
Her own blossoming stemmed from a magical moment in 2011 that
drove her away from the roads of hardship – $100K in debt, a
foreclosed home and car repossession despite having a good yet
unfulfilling government job – and steered her straight into her own
profitable faith-based business that allows her to live the
emotionally, spiritually and financially free life she has always
dreamed of.
Today, Prophetess Reverend Rita is a renowned speaker and
three-time best-selling Amazon author of 30 Days to Increased
Faith: Increase Your Faith Attract Gods Attention and Achieve Your Dreams and coauthor of the 31 Ways of Influence, Volume 2 anthology.
With a bachelor’s degree in Management and a master’s degree in Theology, she delivers soul-stirring sermons, workshops and bible study courses that wash away the muddy waters of hesitation and self-doubt, all so the divinely inspired can pave the path to passion and purpose.
Email reverendrita@5foldpublishing.com
to find out how Rita can help you step into
and sow in your purpose, reap the fruits of
your God-given talents and walk down the
path of prosperity today.
Speaking Topics
Why Your Job Is Keep You Broke
How to Leverage Your God-given Talents and Your Acquired Skill Set
From Small Coins to Big Bucks
Book Reverend Rita
248 518-0550
Connect with Reverend Rita
Facebook: prophetesrita.henderson
IG: reverend_rita